FAQs on appointment / rotation / removal of Auditor under Companies Act, 2013 (Other than Government Company)

9 November 2016 • bsamrishindia.com


FAQs on appointment / rotation / removal of Auditor under Companies Act, 2013 (Other than Government Company)

9 November 2016 • bsamrishindia.com

Updated by Pooja Dhiman and Janvi Gupta as on October 29, 2020

Indian chartered accountants are known worldwide for their higher understanding and financial skills. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had once referred chartered accountants as “big pillar” of the Indian economy and their services to the nation are deeply valued.

Pursuant to the provision of Section 141 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013 a person or a firm shall be eligible for appointment as an auditor of a company only if he is a chartered accountant or majority of partners of the firm is a chartered accountant and practising in India. We have summarised here as few aspects relating to appointment of auditor, tenure, filling up casual vacancy, rotation etc.:

  • First Auditors:

1.1 I have just incorporated a Company, when do I need to appoint the first Auditor of the Company and how?

The First Auditor shall be appointed by the Board within a period of 30 days from the date of registration (incorporation) of Company. E-form ADT-1 is required to be filed within 15 days from the date of appointment.

Note: The governing law, the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) nowhere specifies that the first Auditor shall be appointed at the first Board Meeting of the Company, it only mandates to appoint the Auditor within 30 days from the incorporation. Having said this, in general practice the first Auditor is appointed at the first Board Meeting.

1.2 What if the Board is not able to appoint the first Auditor within 30 days of incorporation?

If the Board fails to appoint such Auditor, then it shall inform the members of the Company about the same. The members shall within a period of 90 days from date of incorporation, at an extraordinary general meeting, appoint the first Auditor of the Company.

1.3. What would be the tenure of office of the first Auditor?

The first Auditor, appointed as above, shall hold the office till the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting of the Company.

  • Appointment of Subsequent Auditor:

2.1 What is the term of appointment of subsequent Auditor under Companies Act, 2013?

The subsequent Auditor i.e. appointed after the completion of tenure of first Auditor at the first Annual General Meeting of the Company, shall hold the office from the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of sixth Annual General Meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting, so on and so forth.

However, as per Section 139(2), certain Companies cannot continue with the same auditor after expiry of one term (in case of individual) or two terms (in case of firm) of five years. We have illustrated the concept as follows:

*Specified class or classes of the Companies are as follows:

      • All unlisted public companies having paid up share capital of rupees 10 crore or more;
      • Every private company having paid up share capital of rupees 50 crore of more;
      • All companies having public borrowings from bank, financial institutions or public deposit of rupees 50 crore or more.

Please note that one person companies and small companies are excluded from the above category.

2.2 What is the term of appointment of Auditor for specified class companies under the Companies Act, 2013?

The subsequent Auditor i.e. appointed after the first Auditor for specified class of companies shall hold the office:

Individual: For one term of 5 years and then a cooling period of 5 years is to be provided i.e. can be re-appointed after a break of 5 years.

Firm: For two terms of 5 years i.e. 10 years and then a cooling period of 5 years is to be provided i.e. can be re-appointed after a break of 5 years.

2.3 Can the Auditor be appointed for a period less than 5 years?

The terms for appointment of Statutory Auditors is defined under Section 139(1), which clearly stipulates that the auditor appointed shall hold office till the conclusion of sixth AGM from the AGM in which he is appointed. Thus, one can opine that the auditor cannot be appointed for one term, consisting of period less than or more than five years. Even if a Company has previously appointed an auditor for a term lesser than 5 years, it shall still be treated as one full term and the cooling period under Section 139(2) shall be required for specified companies.

If the auditor is appointed to fill in the casual vacancy arisen due to vacancy of office of previous years, then, the period he serves to complete the tenure of the previous auditor (i.e. till the conclusion of ensuing AGM) shall not be counted as term of this auditor and he can be appointed for a fresh term of 5 consecutive years in the same Company.

2.4 Is e-form ADT-3 required to be filed after completion of the tenure of the Auditor?

The purpose of e-form ADT-3 is to intimate the ROC about the termination of the office as a result of resignation of the Auditor before the expiry of his/her tenure. The Auditor who has resigned, is required to file e-form ADT-3 within a period of 30 days from the date of resignation. Thus, e- form ADT-3 is not required in following situations:

      • If any new auditor (other than first Auditor) is appointed in the first AGM, no need to file e- form ADT-3 as the term of the first Auditor is only till the conclusion of first AGM. However, the Company shall file e-form ADT-1 towards the appointment of new auditor appointed post the first AGM.
      • Mr. A is appointed as auditor for 5 years. After completion of the said period of 5 years, if Mr. B is appointed as auditor, no need to file e- form ADT-3 for Mr. A. The Company shall file ADT-1 for the appointment of B.
      • ADT-3 cannot and is not required to be filed in case of death of auditor.
  • Casual Vacancy:

3.1 What can be the possible instances when the casual vacancy arises?

Casual Vacancy is vacancy in the office of auditor before the expiry of the tenure for which he was appointed to that office. The grounds of casual vacancy can be resignation, death or disqualification of the Auditor (this is an inclusive list).

3.2 What is the manner of appointment of new auditor, if casual vacancy of the auditor arises in the Company?

Sl No.
Casual Vacancy arising due to
Resignation of the Auditor Other than the resignation of the Auditor

Casual Vacancy to be filled by the Board within a period of 30 days. This appointment is subject to the approval of shareholders of the Company.

To be filled by the Board within a period of 30 days.


The appointment to be the approved by the members (in EGM or AGM, as the case may be) within a period of 3 months from the date of appointment.

No member’s approval is required.

The Auditor who has resigned, is required to file e-form ADT-3 within a period of 30 days from the date of resignation.

No e-form ADT-3 is required to be filed.

E-form ADT-1, towards appointment, is required to be filed within 15 days from the date of appointment, i.e. General Meeting at which the appointment recommended by the Board, is confirmed by the members of the Company.

E-form ADT-1, towards appointment, is required to be filed within 15 days from the date of appointment, i.e. Board meeting held to fill casual vacancy.

3.3 What would be tenure of auditor appointed in casual vacancy?

Auditor appointed for filling the casual vacancy shall hold the office till the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

3.4 Whether the form filing is required at every type of appointment of auditor?

Yes, for every type of appointment i.e. first auditor, casual vacancy or re-appointment at AGM, the Company shall file e- form ADT-1 for such appointment. In case the retiring auditor is reappointed, the Company shall report the prior period served by the auditor in Form ADT-1.

3.5 Is Form ADT-3 is required to be filed in case of the death of an Auditor?

No, e-form ADT-3 is not required to be filed in case of the death of an Auditor.

  • Rotation of Auditor:

4.1 Is the concept of rotation of auditor applicable to every company?

No, the provisions pertaining to ‘Rotation of Auditors’ are applicable only on to the specified companies as mentioned under earlier in this article.

4.2 As of what date should the limits as applicable on specified class of companies be reckoned for rotation of an auditor i.e. whether it should be checked at the beginning of financial year or during the financial year or any other such date?

The law specifies no date at which such limits should be reckoned (say end of financial year/ audit of accounts/ during the year, etc.) Thus, one must be prudent and follow conservative approach. Further, as soon as the concept of rotation of auditor becomes applicable on the Company i.e. the Company crosses the threshold limit as specified in the Act during the tenure of an auditor, that auditor will continue his office till the conclusion of AGM of the Company until which he was appointed (per previous term), however, thereafter he shall not be re-appointed in the same Company until 5 years. A new auditor shall be appointed by the Company at the AGM at which the tenure of the existing auditor expires/ is completed.

  • Retiring Auditor:

5.1 The tenure of the retiring auditor is over and he is eligible for reappointment, however, the Company does not want to appoint him. Is there any special provision for this?

If the one term of the auditor is completed, it is the Company’s wish whether or not to reappoint the retiring auditor. Per the Act, subject to Section 139(1) and the rules made thereunder, a retiring auditor may be re-appointed at an annual general meeting, if—

      • he is not disqualified for re-appointment;
      • he has not given the company a notice in writing of his unwillingness to be re-appointed; and
      • a special resolution has not been passed at that meeting appointing some other auditor or providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed

5.2 What if no resolution was successfully passed at AGM to appoint or reappoint an auditor?

Where at any annual general meeting, no auditor is appointed or re-appointed, the existing auditor shall continue to be the auditor of the company.

  • Removal of Auditor:

6.1 We have appointed the Auditor of the company for a term of 5 years. However, some differences have crept in and we want to remove the existing Auditor? He is not resigning, nor giving audit report, what to do?

The mechanism for removal of a Statutory Auditor of the Company before expiry of the term appointed under the Act has been provided under section 140 of the Act read with Rule 7 of Companies (Accounts and Audit) Rules, 2014.

    • Before removal, the Auditor should be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
    • Board resolution is to be passed for removal of such Auditor.
    • File application in e-form ADT-2 along with the grounds of removal and other details, for Central Government approval (at present, the powers have been delegated to the jurisdictional Regional Director) within 30 days of the resolution passed by the Board.

    • Special resolution to be passed by the members of the Company at the general meeting, to be held within 60 days of receipt of approval of the Central Government.

    • MGT-14 to be filed w.r.t Special Resolution within 30 days of passing such resolution.
    • INC-28 is to be filed within 30 days along with the copy of Central Government order for approval.


  1. We had appointed ABC auditors firm for 5 years to audit financials of FY 2019 to 2023. the same auditors resigned in 2021 and new auditors firm XYZ were appointed for 5 years to audit financials of FY 2022 to 2026. Audit firm XYZ are planning to resign in FY 2025. Can we appoint auditors ABC once again as auditors for 5 years. Will this appointment of ABC audit firm will be considered as their second term of appointment?

    1. Dear Reader,

      In accordance with Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, the auditor shall be appointed for 5 consecutive years, further section 139(2) read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 specifies class of companies on whom rotation of auditor is applicable. By combined reading of all applicable provisions we conclude to address your specific questions;

      Can we reappoint Auditors ABC for another 5 years?

      In your case, even if we assume that Section 139(2) applies, the restriction on reappointment will not be triggered as the Auditors firm can be Appointed for two terms of five consecutive years. Therefore, ABC can be reappointed for a term 5-year term.

      However, the resignation of Audit firm XYZ will cause the casual vacancy under section 139(8) and the auditor appointed under such casual vacancy shall hold the office till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.

      You may appoint Audit firm ABC firm to fill the casual vacancy and afterward reappoint them in the AGM for the Period of 5 Years.

      Will such an appointment of the ABC audit firm be considered as their second term?

      Yes, the appointment of the ABC audit firm be considered as their second term since the said auditor was appointed for a full term on a previous occasion. Even if they resigned before the expiry of the term of 5 years, the partial term will be counted as One term.

  2. Dear Sir
    Our company is a small company as defined by Companies Act. Our Auditor’s 5-year term ended in FY23-24. For appointment of a new auditor :
    1) Do we need to confirm appointment of the new auditor in the AGM of FY 23-24 held by September 2024; or the appointment of the new auditor can be done anytime during the course of FY24-25?
    2) Is there any intimation that the company needs to provide to the previous auditor

    1. Dear Reader,

      1) Yes, the new auditor shall be appointed or the existing auditor shall be reappointed in the AGM of FY 23-24 held by September 2024.
      Appointment of the new auditor can’t be done anytime during the course of FY24-25.

      2) No, the Company is not required to give any intimation to the previous auditor if the new auditor is appointed on expiry of the term of the previous auditor.

    1. Dear Reader,

      As per the Section 139(9) of the Companies Act, 2013 a retiring auditor may be re-appointed at an annual general meeting, if—

      • he is not disqualified for re-appointment;
      • he has not given the company a notice in writing of his unwillingness to be re-appointed; and
      • a special resolution has not been passed at that meeting appointing some other auditor or providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed

      Thus, the Act provides due emphasis on the re-appointment of an Auditor through a duly convened Annual General Meeting.

  3. The term of the auditors came to an end in the AGM. However,no new auditor was appointed.As per Section 139(10) the existing auditor will continue.My queries:

    What will be the term of appointment of the existing auditor ?
    Will a resolution be passed in the same AGM wherein his term ended or an EGM be conducted for the same ?
    Will a written consent also be required ?
    Other than ADT-1 what additional forms will be required in this regard.

    1. Dear Reader,

      Please note, pursuant to Section 139(10) of Companies Act 2013, if no auditor is appointed or re-appointed at the annual general meeting, the existing auditor will continue to act as an auditor and shall continue in their role until a new auditor is appointed.

      Further, since appointment of auditor is a specific item in the agenda of annual general meeting, passing of resolution is necessary. A resolution for the continuation of the existing auditor can be passed in the same AGM where his term ended. It doesn’t necessarily require an EGM unless the company’s articles of association provide for same.

      Also, as per Explanation to Section 139(1), appointment includes re-appointment. Therefore, before re-appointment of an auditor, a written consent from the existing auditor is required for his continuation in office.

      Besides filing Form ADT-1 for the appointment of auditors, no additional specific forms are required for the continuation of the existing auditor. However, the company needs to ensure that necessary resolutions and consents are properly recorded and maintained in compliance with the Companies Act 2013 and Companies (Audit and Auditor) Rules, 2014.

  4. in case of OPC one auditor firm was appointed for 5 years till FY 2025-26. Signing was done by partner who changed his CA firm subsequently . what is to be done to continue that CA (now partner with new CA firm) as a auditor.

    Will it be considered as casual vacancy ?

    1. Dear Reader,

      As per our understanding company wishes to replace their current auditor’s firm with new auditor’s firm with existing partner before the current auditor’s tenure is expired.

      Companies Act, 2013 allows for dismissal or replacement of auditor under section 140(1) of the Companies act 2013. Company can remove its auditor appointed under Section 139 from his office before the expiry of his term only by passing special resolution and obtaining other necessary approval prescribed under the Companies Act.

      Further, Casual vacancy is not defined under the act and in general context it may arise out of death, disqualification, resignation or removal etc. of the auditor or non-ratification of appointment by the shareholders.

      Pursuant to provision of Section 139(8) of the Companies act 2013, any casual vacancy in the office of the auditor shall be filled by the Board of Directors within thirty days For further assistance in this regard, you may seek professional advice in this matter.

  5. Hello,

    Facts of the case:
    -Our’s is a private Company with the borrowing of more than 50crs and this threshold has exceeded on 31st March 2023
    – The audit firm is appointed for every one year instead of Five Years
    – The audit firm is auditor of company from more than 5years

    – As the firm is appointed for less than 1year, is it considered as 1 term?
    -further the threshold has crossed during the tenure of the Auditor, so will this term be considered as completing one term under the provision of Section 139(2)
    -So, If it is considered as 1 term, does that mean the firm is eligible for appointment for only term?
    – While re appointing, do we also need to consider that firm is appointed as auditor from the past five years?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Thank you for approaching us. Based on the facts stated by you, we understand that the provisions pertaining to rotation of auditor are applicable on the Company as on 31st March, 2023 (due to total borrowing exceeding INR 50 crores). Further, the Company is contemplating re-appointment of the existing auditor.

      However, to guide you on the further course of action, we will require a more comprehensive analysis of additional facts and the relevant documents. Therefore, you may connect with us for professional assistance in the aforementioned matter.

  6. Respected Sir,

    I request you to provide your valuable guidance on below matter;

    In private company, an auditor has just resigned 3 days before AGM for which ADT- 3 is filed with roc.

    Before AGM , Company will not be able to get consent and eligibility from proposed new auditor so in AGM what to do? How to appoint auditor in casual vacancy?

    1. Dear Reader,

      According to section 139 sub-section 8 of Companies Act, 2013, any casual vacancy in the office of an auditor shall be filled by the Board of Directors within thirty days, but if such casual vacancy is as a result of the resignation of an auditor, such appointment shall also be approved by the company at a general meeting convened within three months of the recommendation of the Board and E-form ADT-1, towards appointment, is required to be filed within 15 days from the date of appointment.

      On the basis of facts shared by you, we suggest that during the AGM you may inform the shareholders about the resignation of the previous auditor and the resultant casual vacancy. Seek shareholder approval in the AGM to appoint the proposed auditor (even if you have not obtained their consent and eligibility yet).

      Once the AGM is concluded, promptly obtain the written consent and eligibility certificate from the newly appointed auditor and file other required documents.

  7. A Company fall under prescribed class of company. It has appointed a auditor firm for 1st term for a period of 1 year (2017-2018) and reappointed for 2nd term for a period of 5 years (2018-23) can they be reappointed further for a period of 4 years?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Pursuant to section 139 (1) and (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 2013, Companies as may be prescribed shall not appoint/reappoint an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years.

      Therefore in accordance with this provision it is to be noted that the appointment or reappointment is done for a fixed term which should not be more that 5 consecutive years, even if a company had previously hired an auditor for a period less than five years, it is still considered one complete term.

      Hence, the auditor who has completed two terms of his appointment cannot be reappointed for further period after completion of tenure of its second term unless cooling period of 5 years mentioned in proviso to section 139 (2) is completed. We assume that the Auditor so appointed was not the first auditor of the Company.

  8. A company appointed a firm for 5 years, during the tenure of the firm, one partner sign the Financial Statements (FS) for 3 years and another partner sign the FS for 2 years.
    Q Can another partner sign the FS or first partners sign the FS for 5 years?
    Q. Can Company reappoints the firm for next 5 years?
    Q. Can a third partner sign the FS for next 5 years?
    Q. Can same partners sign the FS for next 5 years?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Please find below our response to your queries.

      Question-1: Can another partner sign the FS or first partners sign the FS for 5 years?

      As per the provisions of Section 22 of Partnership Act 1932- In order to bind a firm, an act or instrument done or executed by a partner or other person on behalf of the firm shall be done or executed in the firm-name, or in any other manner expressing or implying an intention to bind the firm.

      Further, there are no provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 restricting the above-mentioned manner of signing. Therefore, per our view, any partner of the firm may sign the financial statement of the company within the period of their tenure.

      Question-2: Can Company reappoints the firm for next 5 years?

      As per Section 139(2) of Companies Act 2013, read with Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014-

      No listed company or the company belonging to such class or classes of companies as may be prescribed shall appoint or reappoint:

      an individual as auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years; and
      an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years:
      Therefore, if the company does not fall into the above-mentioned category, or even if it does, the auditor has completed only their first term, the Company is eligible to proceed with the re-appointment of the firm for the subsequent five years.

      Question-3: Can a third partner sign the FS for next 5 years?

      As per the above quoted provisions, a firm can be appointed for the two terms of five consecutive years and any partner can sign the financial statements on behalf of the firm in the said tenure.

      Question-4: Can same partners sign the FS for next 5 years?

      In absence of any restrictive provisions, we are of the view that same partner can sign the financial statements for the next 5 years.

  9. Rule 5(c) refers to public borrowings exceeding Rs 50 cr for applicabilty of rotation of auditors to unlisted Companies. Whether the borrowings referred to are sanctioned limts or actual availed limits? And if actual availed limts ,what is the date of applicability for rotation of auditors

    1. Dear Reader,

      As per Section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) read with the Rule 5(c) of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, one of the criteria of applicability of rotation of auditors to unlisted companies is if the Company has outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions in excess of fifty crores. However, the provisions of the Act are silent on the whether such limits are to be considered on sanctioned basis or actual basis. Based on the practice followed, it should be considered on actual basis.
      Regarding the applicability of rotational of auditor on the Company, we suggest that it should be checked at the time of appointment or re-appointment of auditor due to the following reasons:
      1. Since the appointment or re-appointment of statutory auditors is done for a fixed term which should not be of more than 5 consecutive years and the provisions of the Act does not mention for appointment for any specified years;

      2. After reading the language of Section 139(2) of the Act, it is clear that it should be checked at the time of appointment or re-appointment; and

      3. In case the existing term of the auditor is not yet complete, then there is no case of appointment or reappointment. Hence, it is only when the existing term is complete that the question of rotation will arise.

      For further assistance in this regard, you may connect us to seek professional advice in this matter.

      If you feel that we have been able to address your query, kindly review us on Google.

  10. In case auditor form has complete two tenure in the company and the company hasn’t appointed the auditor in the AGM. Will it be termed as Casual Vacancy?

    As per section 138(10) if a company has not appointed or reappointed the auditor in AGM, the existing auditor shall continue as the auditor of the company. will it be applicable in my case, where auditor has complete two terms?

    In case it is not casual vacancy, what procedure i should follow for the compliance of law for appointment?

    1. Dear Reader,

      The term “Casual Vacancy” has not been defined under the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”). However, Casual vacancy may arise in case of death, disqualification, resignation or removal etc. of the auditor.

      Based on the facts provided by you, the same shall not be considered as casual vacancy but a case of rotation of auditors.
      Further, pursuant to Section 139(2) of the Act read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditor) Rules, 2014 (“the Rules”), no listed company or such class of Companies as specified in the rules, shall appoint or re-appoint an auditor firm who has completed 2 terms of 5 consecutive years.

      In case the aforesaid provisions are applicable on the company, the existing auditor firm shall be ineligible for further appointment and in that case, the Company shall be required to appoint a new auditor or audit firm. As per section 139 (10), the existing auditor shall continue to hold office till the appointment of new auditor. But this enabling provision of section 139 (10) shall not be construed as a deviation from the law and the company shall not take a view that the existing auditor shall perpetually continue till next AGM. This matter also deserves same level of urgency and attention as in the case of appointment in casual vacancy. You may explore to appoint a new auditor at the earliest in a duly convened EGM.

      For further assistance in this regard, you may seek professional advice in this matter.

  11. Where this clarification regarding fresh term of 5 years is written in act in case of casual vacancy ,any circular specifically mention that reappointment of auditor wiil be considered as fresh appointment

    1. Dear Reader,

      There is no specific circular that has been issued by the Ministry for clarifying the term of auditor in case of casual vacancy.
      However, we would like to bring to your kind notice the following provisions pertaining to appointment of auditor:

      a) Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013: states that every company shall, at the first annual general meeting (AGM), appoint an individual or a firm as an auditor who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting.

      b) Section 139(8) of the Companies Act, 2013: provides that the auditor appointed to fill the casual vacancy shall hold the office till the conclusion of the ensuing AGM.

      After completion of the term of casual vacancy, the Company has an option to choose whether to continue with the same auditor by seeking approval of shareholders at the AGM. Such appointment, if approved by the shareholders, shall be made under Section 139(1) and shall be of a fixed term of five years.

      Thus, as per our interpretation of aforesaid provisions the appointment under Section 139(8) is different from appointment under Section 139(1), and accordingly does not fall under Section 139(2) for reckoning of transitional period.

  12. a private limited company crosses the threshold limit of 50 crores in Borrowings in FY 2022-2023. Statutory Auditor was appointed for 5years from 2020-2025.(FROM incorporation he is continuing as Auditor)
    Whether Company has to appoint new Auditor after completion of his term in 2025 or in the AGM TO BE HELD IN 2023?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Even if the borrowings of a private company exceed INR 50 crores in the year 2022-23 which falls within the tenure of the existing auditor i.e., 2020-21 to 2024-25, the existing auditor can continue to hold office and complete his tenure as sub-section (1) Section 139 states that an auditor shall hold office from a period of 5 years from the date of his appointment.

      However, in the AGM that will be held for the FY 2025 in which the tenure of the existing auditor will be coming to an end, the Company will need to appoint a new auditor and the existing auditor cannot be re-appointed as per the sub-section (2) of Section 139.

  13. Dear Sir,
    Members of the company had appointed the “Firm” of CAs (firm having 2 CAs as partners) as Auditor of the company, however during the year one of Partner CA lefts the firm and firm gets dissolved as Only one partner remains in the firm.
    In the records of the ICAI, same FRN continuous in the name of New Proprietorship concern as it was in firm’s name.
    In the Given Situation, whether the Company is required to appoint new auditor considering the dissolution as the casual vacancy in the office of the auditor ?? or Auditor should tender his resignation and then company should fill the casual vacancy of the auditor??

    1. Dear Reader,

      The term casual vacancy is not defined under the Companies Act, 2013. However, in general parlance, it means a vacancy in the office of an auditor due to resignation, death, removal, or any other reason resulting in the incapability of the auditor to perform duty.

      In our opinion, the dissolution of the partnership firm would result in a casual vacancy in the office of the auditor. Thus, there would be no requirement to obtain the resignation of previous auditors (i.e., partnership firm) as the dissolution of the partnership firm has itself resulted in a casual vacancy.

      The Board of Directors of the Company pursuant to the power vested to them under Section 139(8) can appoint a new auditor (i.e., sole proprietor firm) after obtaining their consent and eligibility letter, and will be required to file Form ADT-1 with the Ministry to report such appointment.

  14. A Private limited Company has exceeded borrowings of 50crore in FY 2022-2023. However existing Auditor was appointed on 2020 for 5 years till 2024-2025.(He is the statutory Auditor from incorporation).
    Should the Company appoint new Auditor after completion of his term in 2025 or in the AGM to be held in 2023?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Even if the borrowings of a private company exceed INR 50 crores in the year 2022-23 which falls within the tenure of the existing auditor i.e., 2020-21 to 2024-25, the existing auditor can continue to hold office and complete his tenure as sub-section (1) Section 139 states that an auditor shall hold office from a period of 5 years from the date of his appointment.

      However, in the AGM that will be held for the FY 2025 in which the tenure of the existing auditor coming to an end, the Company will need to appoint a new auditor and the existing auditor cannot be re-appointed as per the sub-section (2) of Section 139.

      Therefore, the company can appoint a new auditor after the completion of his term in FY 2025.

      1. But in subject case, if as on 31.3.2025 i.e. in the b/s of 31.3.2025 FY 24-2025, if borrowings is less then Rs. 50 crores, then what will be the case? can we continue the retiring auditor for further term of five years? – i think the criteria shall be required to be checked at the time of appointment / re-appointment.

        your views pl sir.

        1. Dear Reader,

          As per the provisions of Section 139(2) of Companies Act 2013, the concept of “Rotation of Auditor” shall apply to the following class of companies excluding one person companies and small companies:

          (a) all listed companies.
          (b) all unlisted public companies having paid up share capital of Rupees ten crore or more;
          (c) all private limited companies having paid up share capital of Rupees fifty crore or more;
          (d) all companies having paid up share capital of below threshold limit mentioned in (a) and (b) above, but having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of Rupees fifty crores or more.

          In the absence of any contrary provisions, it is our understanding that the threshold shall be determined based on the financial statements of the previous financial year at the time of appointment or re-appointment.

          Therefore, if the company is having paid up share capital below than the threshold mentioned in (a) and (b) above and if the borrowings is less than 50 crores in the previous Financial Year, it can re-appoint the same auditor as the company no longer falls among the classes of company mentioned in Section 139(2).

  15. We have appointed an audit firm as Statutory Auditor in FY 2019 for period of 5 years, whose term is expiring in FY 2023. We are Pvt Ltd company having paid up capital of INR 9.6cr and borrowings less than 50cr
    Before 2019 also, we had same firm as Statutory Auditor.

    Can we continue with same auditor or do we need to change in this Pre-Agm ?

    Can I appoint them on yearly basis as per old Companies Act or 5 years term is must ?

    1. Dear Reader,

      As per rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, following classes of companies shall not appoint or reappoint an individual as auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years or an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years:

      a) all unlisted public companies having paid up share capital of rupees ten crore or more;

      b) all private limited companies having paid up share capital of rupees fifty crore or more;

      c) all companies having paid up share capital of below threshold limit mentioned in (a) and (b) above, but having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of rupees fifty crores or more.

      As your company is a private company having paid up share capital of INR 9.6 crore (which is less than the threshold limit mentioned in clause (b) above) and borrowings less than the threshold limit as mentioned in clause (c) above, therefore the company can continue to appoint the previous auditor.

      Further, your company cannot appoint an auditor on a yearly basis as section 139(1) strictly stipulates that the auditor appointed shall hold office till the conclusion of sixth AGM from the AGM in which he is appointed i.e., for a period of 5 years from the date of his appointment in AGM.

  16. Sub : Appointment of Auditor

    A Private Company appointed XYZ as Statutory Auditor for 5 years. The Company has borrowings of more than Rs.50 Crore. The 5 years term ended in 2020. The Company has appointed new Statutory Auditor ABC for another 5 years. After completion of 1 year, ABC do not want to continue and willing to resign. Can the Private Company appoint XYZ for another 5 years.

    1. Dear Reader,

      Based on the information shared by you, we believe that auditors namely XYZ and ABC are audit firms. If so, according to the provision of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 an audit firm can be appointed as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years. Since XYZ has already served its one term of 5 years, they are eligible to serve for further 5 consecutive years.

      However, if the auditor so appointed is an individual, XYZ will not be eligible to be appointed for another period until completion of a cooling off period of five years from the date of demitting the office of the statutory auditor, as the company falls under the class of companies under Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014.

  17. in a Private company auditor not filing ITR and Annual return for the FY – 2020-21 & 2021-22 what is the remedies available for the company

    1. Dear Reader,

      Please note that it is not the duty of the Auditor to file ITRs of the company. You may still file ITR for FY 2021-22. However, for the FY 2020-21, you shall apply for condonation of delay under section 119 2(b) of Income Tax Act, 1961.

    1. Dear Reader,

      The terms for appointment of Statutory Auditors is defined under Section 139(1), which clearly stipulates that the auditor appointed shall hold office till the conclusion of sixth AGM from the AGM in which he is appointed. Thus, one can opine that the auditor cannot be appointed for one term, consisting of period less than five years.

    2. In case of private company if auditor was appointed by casual vacancy for 1 year and then approved in EMm but in the AGM for subsequent term another auditor is appointed ,then does ADT-3 needs to filed by auditor who was appointed in casual vacancy ?

      1. Dear Reader,

        Pursuant to the provision of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board shall fill the casual vacancy of a statutory auditor, and the same shall be approved by the shareholders in their meeting within three months from the date of the board’s recommendation and  hold the office till the conclusion of the next AGM. 

        Further, regarding the filing of ADT-3, Section 140(2) prescribes the requirement of filing the said form within 30 days from the date of resignation.

  18. In case of a Listed Co., can a retiring statutory auditor become the internal auditor of the same Company during his cooling period?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Please note that the Companies Act, 2013 places no restriction on an Individual / Firm being appointed as Internal Auditors after the completion of rotation period for statutory auditors which is 5 years or 10 years as the case may be. The relevant provisions of the Companies Act are silent on that aspect.

      Hence, we can conclude that the statutory auditor appears to be eligible to be appointed as Internal Auditor for the same company.

      However, the guidance note issued by ICAI on Independence of Auditors state that the Auditor or the firm should avoid any situation in the near future, which may be interpreted as threat to his/their independence, for example, acceptance of assignment related to internal audit and management consultancy services within one year of completion of assignment.

  19. Our company is Unlisted Public Company. In 2017, while appointing the auditor, rotation of auditor was applicable. Now the 2 terms of existing Auditor is coming to end in coming AGM. But now the rotation of auditor section is not applicable to company as it does not fall into the criteria of classes of companies. Can we appoint same auditor for another 5 years?

    1. Dear Reader,

      The Companies Act provides for rotation of auditors for such classes of Companies as prescribed under section 139(2) read with rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014.

      Further, the first proviso to section 139 (2) provides that the auditor who has completed his term under section 139 (2) shall not be eligible for re-appointment as auditor in the same Company for five years from completion of his term.

      According to our interpretation of the foregoing requirements, the Company can re-appoint the auditor because the Company no longer falls among the classes of companies to which the provisions of section 139(2) apply. Hence, the first proviso to section 139 (2) which places limitation on eligibility for re-appointment on auditors who have completed their terms in the same Company, does not apply to it.

  20. We are a Private company and does not fall under provisions of section 139(2). We have a separate branch auditor for branches in India other than the Statutory auditor. Should the appointment of branch auditor be also for a period of 5years and do we have to file Form ADT 1 for the same?

    1. Dear Reader,

      Please note, section 143(8) of the Companies Act 2013 provides that a branch auditor of a company shall be the Company’s Auditor,i.e, the Statutory Auditor of the company or a person who is qualified to be appointed as an auditor under this Act and appointed as such under section 139 of the Companies Act 2013.

      Hence, based on the above provision of law, we can deduce that all requirements under section 139 of the Companies Act 2013, shall be suo motto applicable to a Branch Auditor as well, including the provisions relating to the prescribed period of appointment of 5 years subject to the liberty of the company for any further re-appointment and intimation of the said appointment in form ADT-1 with MCA. However, the same is to be read keeping in mind the provisions of section 143(8) of the Companies Act 2013 and Rule 12 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules 2014.

  21. How much gap can be there in appointment of another internal auditor after resignation of previous internal auditor? and tell me the consequences of not appointing internal auditor within time.

    1. Please note that there is no specific provision in Section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”), regulating the time period for the appointment of new internal auditor in the event of the resignation of the incumbent auditor. The board, however, must fill the vacancy at the next board meeting following the resignation and file e-form MGT-14 with the Registrar.

      In the case of non-compliance with Section 138 of the Act, the aforementioned clause does not contain any specific penalties. Therefore, the penal provisions of section 450 of the Act will apply, and the company and every officer of the company who is in default or such other person will be liable to a penalty of INR 10,000, plus a further penalty of INR 1,000 for each day during which the contravention continues, up to a maximum of INR 2,00,000 in the case of a company and INR 50,000 in the case of an officer who is in default.

  22. Hi,
    Is it necessary that at the time of recommendation of appointment of Auditor by Board (in case of casual vacancy), the Board must have the consent and certificate from the Proposed Auditor? Can it be obtained after Board meeting but before notice of EGM??

    1. Dear Reader,

      As per the proviso to Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, every company is required to obtain from the auditor being appointed a written consent and certificate of eligibility before his appointment.

      In case of a casual vacancy, the board will pass a resolution for recommending such an appointment to the members, to substantiate this; the board must obtain the consent and certificate of eligibility from the proposed auditor.

      Thus, given the above provisions, we can infer that it is necessary to obtain consent and a certificate of eligibility from the proposed auditor before the date of the board meeting being held for recommending the appointment of the proposed auditor.

  23. The audit firm was the branch auditor of a company. After a period of 2 years the firm was also appointed as a auditors of the HO. The period of rotation will be counted from the audit of branch audit or HO audit ?

    1. The provisions of Section 143(8) of the Companies Act, 2013, states that the accounts of the branch office shall be audited either by the auditor appointed for the Company (i.e., head office) or by any other person qualified for appointment as an auditor of the company under this Act and appointed as such under section 139.

      Therefore, it can be inferred that the Act does not restrict the appointment of the same person as a statutory auditor in the branch and the head office. Accordingly, the tenure of 5/10 years shall be calculated considering the period of his office as a statutory auditor in the branch and head office (since the head office and branch office falls under the same company). However, if separate auditors have been appointed for the branch and head office, the tenure of both the auditors shall be counted separately.

      Thus, in our view, taking into consideration the intent of the law and to maintain the integrity of the audit process, the period of rotation shall be counted from the date of appointment in the branch office.

    1. As per Section 139(1), a Statutory Auditor shall hold office from the conclusion of the first AGM till the conclusion of the sixth AGM. Thus, one can opine that the auditor cannot be appointed for one term of the auditor cannot be less than or more than five years. Hence, subsequent Auditors shall not be appointed for 1 year.

      Ratification of Auditor: the provision w.r.t Annual ratification of Auditor has been omitted Companies Amendment Act, 2017 read with notification S.O. 1833E dated 07th May, 2018

      1. What is the remedy or consequences of appointing Subsequent Auditor for a period of 1 year(till the conclusion of next AGM) in private limited company for FY 22-23? ADT-1 has also been filed for this specifying appointment of subsequent auditor for 1 year

        1. Dear Reader,

          An auditor shall be appointed for a term of 5 years. Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) strictly stipulates that the auditor appointed shall hold office till the conclusion of sixth AGM from the AGM in which he is appointed i.e., for a period of 5 years from the date of his appointment in AGM.

          Since your private company has appointed a subsequent auditor for a period of 1 year, it has contravened the provisions of Section 139 for which penal provisions have been provided in Section 147 (1) of the Act.

          For contravention of any of the provisions of Section 139, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than ten thousand rupees but which may extend to one lakh rupees.

          For further assistance, you may contact us to seek professional advice in this matter.

  24. Dear Sir,
    An unlisted public co. Borrowings crosses 50Cr as on 31st Mar,2019.Paid up capital is below the limits prescribed. An Audit firm was serving as auditor for past 10 years and is reappointed for another term of in AGM held in 2019. Kindly clarify the below issues:
    1. Are the limits prescribed in Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,2014 to be checked “At “ the time of appointment of audit firm?
    2. For the calculation of term specified in section 139(2), the period served as an auditor before the applicability of limits specified in Rule 5, be counted?
    Thank you in Advance.

  25. A CA who is releaving from existing partnership and forming new partneship with new partners. The existing company audited by him are not liable for rotation under 139(2). But while filing ADT 1 we filed for a term of 5 years in name of our old partnership. whether the new partnership entity can become next auditor by filing a fresh ADT1. whether recovation is possible since we filed ADT 1 for five years with our FRN number of old firm. what can we do in this scenario

    1. Dear Sir,
      This seems to be a case of dissolution of an Audit firm wherein a new firm is being formed with new partners. It would result in Casual Vacancy due to reasons other than Resignation. In such a situation, the Company may take note of such dissolution and appoint the new firm in its Board Meeting (after obtaining consent from the new audit firm) and file a fresh Form ADT 1 with the Ministry mentioning the details of the new audit firm. It is advisable to attach a clarification letter in the Form explaining the formation of a new firm with the new composition of partners.

  26. Hello sir
    an auditor is appointed in case of casual vacancy will hold office till ensuing agm.
    now my query is whether in that ensuing agm company have to file adt1 again to appoint the auditor (which was appointed at the time of casual vacancy) for 5 yrs or the form which was filled at the time of casual vacancy (ie.adt1) will be sufficient

    1. The third proviso of Section 139 (1) states that “the company shall inform the auditor concerned of his or its appointment, and also file a notice of such appointment with the Registrar within fifteen days of the meeting in which the auditor is appointed”. Also, explanation to this proviso states that “appointment” includes reappointment.”

      Since the auditor is being reappointed, the company shall be required to file Form ADT-1 with the Registrar.

  27. Hello Sir,
    We appointed sole proprietorship firm as our auditor for 5 years in our 2 companies. In one company their tenure is expiring this year but in another company their tenure will expire next year. Now that sole proprietorship firm has been changed to partnership firm. Please guide what compliance we need to do.

    1. Pursuant to Rule 6(3)(ii) of the Companies(Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 for the purpose of the rotation of auditors, the incoming auditor or audit firm shall not be eligible for appointment if such auditor or audit firm is associated with the outgoing auditor or audit firm under the same network of audit firms. Here “same network” includes the firms operating or functioning, hitherto or in the future, under the same brand name, trade name, or common control.

      Therefore, the outgoing sole proprietorship firm had completed one term of 5 consecutive years and if such firm converts itself into a partnership firm, such converted partnership firm cannot be appointed as auditor for the same companies as they are under the same control.

      Also, as per Rule 5 of The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 the rotation of auditor is applicable to the following class of companies:

      1. all unlisted public companies having paid up share capital of rupees ten crore or more;
      2. all private limited companies having paid up share capital of rupees 1[fifty] crore or more;
      3. all companies having paid up share capital of below threshold limit mentioned in (a) and (b) above, but having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of rupees fifty crores or more.
  28. An auditor is appointed for 5 years of a private limited company vide ADT-1. Before the tenure of 5 years ends, the board wants to appoint a new auditor in the ensuing AGM. What are the implications and compliances to be followed wrt documentation & form filings?

    1. Pursuant to Section 140(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 an auditor appointed under section 139 of the Act may be removed from his office before the expiry of his term only by way of a special resolution of the company subject to the prior approval of the Central Government.
      Further note an opportunity of being heard shall be given to the concerned auditor before taking any action for removal.
      In this regard following compliance needs to be done:

      • The Board shall pass a resolution for the removal of auditor after giving an opportunity of being heard;
      • Application to the Central Government for removal of auditor shall be made in Form ADT-2 accompanied with fees as prescribed within 30 days from the date of resolution passed by the Board for removal;
      • The Company shall hold the General meeting within 60 days from the date of receipt of approval from the Central Government.
  29. Can Individual Auditor and Partner of Firm be reappointed (without break of 5 years)for further period of 5 years in Pvt. Ltd. having share capital less than 50 Cr.

    1. The provisions related to the rotation of statutory auditors do not apply to private companies having paid-up share capital of less than INR 50 crore or having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of less than INR 50 crore. Further, small companies are exempt from the provisions of Section 139(2). Kindly refer to Section 139 and Rule 5 of The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014.

  30. very good query and answer session
    my question is that RD-1 is invalid reflacted on MCA 21 portal but ADT-2 is approved. what I shoud do.

  31. Whether ADT-1 filing mandatory for every fives years in the case of pvt ltd companies not falling under Sec 139(2).

    1. Pursuant to the provision of Section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 4 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 a statutory auditor will be appointed in an AGM for a period of consecutive 5 years who will hold the office till the conclusion of every sixth AGM from the date of appointment. The notice of such appointment is made to the concerned RoC in form ADT-1 within 15 days from the date of appointment/re-appointment.

      Therefore, every company has to file form ADT-1 for the appointment of an auditor once the period of 5 years gets completed irrespective of whether the company is falling under section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013.

  32. sir,
    a company appointed auditor firm for five years. But after completing 2 years, the auditor firm dissolved. as the firm dissolved, the auditor cannot file ADT-3. Whether the dissolution of auditors firm can be treated as disqualification? so that board can appoint new auditors ?

    1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 141 of the Companies Act, 2013, the dissolution of the firm cannot be qualified as a disqualification, however, the non-existence of an entity does create a casual vacancy in the office of the auditors.
      Further, pursuant to the provisions of Section 140(2), form ADT-3 is required only in the case where the auditor has resigned himself, which is not the instance in your case. Therefore, being a casual vacancy, the Board can appoint the new auditors subject to the approval of shareholders and thereafter file form ADT-1.

  33. Our company has mistaken appointed a new auditor in case of casual vacancy for 5 years instead of reappointment. Is this Form ADT-1 valid? Are there any consequences? Please tell me the procedure to rectify it.

    1. Your question is not clear, nonetheless from this query we understand that in case of casual vacancy, the auditor was appointed for 5 years (ideally, the auditor filling the casual vacancy should have been appointed till the next AGM only and then either the existing auditor/ new auditor should have been re-appointed/ appointed, as the case maybe, at the AGM for next 5 years).

      Assuming that the SRN for Form ADT-1 has been approved, please note that in this case the Company has to approach its jurisdictional ROC for getting the SRN cancelled, and thereafter the Company can pass a new resolution in the suppression of earlier resolution and can file a new Form with appropriate data thereon.

  34. If an auditor is appointed as auditor for those companies in which rotation of audit is not falling then what to fill in ADT-1 “Specify the tenure of previous appointment(s) of the auditor or auditor’s firm or its member in the same company in
    which audit was conducted or is functioning (excluding previous years having break of five or more years as specified
    in Rule 6)
    Number of financial year(s)”

    1. The very purpose of point 4(i) in form ADT-1, is that the company filing the form provides the details of the earlier engagement(s) of the auditor(s) being appointed/ re-appointed with that of the company.

      So, if the auditor has been appointed for the first time in a company on which provisions of Section 139(2) is not applicable, you can insert “0 Years” and proceed. Further, in the case of reappointment of statutory auditor whether it is a firm or the partner of the firm, details of their prior engagement with the company should reflect in the form.

      1. Dear sir I have a query. We had appointed an audit firm ABC ltd for a tenure of 5 years but before the completion of the tenure, say after 2 years that firm merged with another firm xyz ltd. Now we have to appoint xyz ltd as our new auditor. While filing ADT-1 what should we mention in point 4(i) in form ADT-1? New firm has common partners and section 139(2) is not applicable to us.

  35. In a listed company, which is under IBC, what happens if shareholders donot approve appointment of Auditors appointed by COC at next AGM ? Will the auditors have to be changed or COC can reappoint them ?

    1. According to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, appointment of every auditor is required to be approved by the members in the annual general meeting.

      Further, Section 28(1)(m) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the Resolution Professional is required to take prior approval of the Committee of Creditors (COC) to make any changes in the appointment or terms of contract of statutory auditors or of the corporate debtor.

      Accordingly, in view of the provisions of IBC and Companies Act, 2013, the provisions doesn’t specify w.r.t. disapproval by members to appoint auditors in the general meeting. Therefore, where the members have denied the approval of auditors in the general meeting, COC cannot appoint the same auditors and new auditors are required to be appointed subject to approval of members in the general meeting.

    1. As per provisions of Deposit Rules, Every Company shall file a return with Registrar in FORM DPT-3 on or before the 30th day of June of every year.

      Hence, the liability of filing is on the Company (No external professional certification is required) and its discretion of the Company whether it wants to file the form on its own or through any other professional.

  36. If during February 2020, the PUC of a private limited company increased beyond 50 cr., then do we need to change the auditor who was serving for 15 years, during Feb itself or it is to be done in the ensuing AGM only.

    1. Pursuant to the provisions of section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, read with rule 5 and 6 of the Companies (Audit & Auditors) Rules, 2014, where a private company has paid up share capital of INR 50 Crore or more, then it can’t appoint or reappoint an individual or an audit firm for more than one or two terms of consecutive 5 years respectively.

      Since your company has increased the Paid up share capital of INR 50 Crore in February 2020, the company may appoint a new auditor in its ensuing General Meeting considering that there is no specific time limit stipulated in the Act for the appointment of a new auditor where the company has exceeded such threshold limit.

  37. XYZ Company incorporated on 26.06.2019, It has appoint first auditor within 30 days from incorporation, now company wants to appoint a new auditor for signing of its first time financial statement, now question is whether company has to file ADT-1 for New Appointment and old auditor need to file ADT-03

    1. As per provision of section 139(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, the First Auditor Appointed shall hold the office till the conclusion of the First Annual General Meeting of the Company. Thus, the first auditor shall sign the financial statements for first financial year of the Company. If the Company wants to replace the auditor, it has to follow the provisions of Section 140 for removal of auditor. There is no requirement to file ADT-3, if the first auditor has completed term as Form ADT-3 is required only in case of resignation from the office of the Auditor before the expiry of his term.

      Further as per provision of Section 139(1), the Company is required to file Form ADT-1 within 15 days of the meeting in which the Auditor is appointed. Thus the Company is required to file Form ADT-1 for New Appointment.

  38. AB Pvt. Ltd appointed an auditor for five years under Sec.139 (1) for five years in Sept. 2019 AGM. Now the company wants to change the auditor and he will resign on the date of AGM in Sept. 2020. Can the Board recommend new auditor to be held in end of Aug. 2020 for appointment in Sept. 2020 AGM. Pl let me know the procedure to be followed including the date of resignation of the existing auditor.

    1. In case you want the new auditor to commence tenure from date of ensuing AGM, then the Board can pass a resolution proposing the appointment of the new auditor in the meeting in which the Board shall be approving the Notice of the AGM. Then, the business for appointment of auditor can be taken as ordinary business in upcoming AGM.
      However, note that the resignation letter from the auditor should be received before the board meeting; only then the board can take up the matter of appointment of auditor in the board meeting.

  39. Mr. A (CA) is appointed as first auditor of the private company within 30 days of incorporation and after few days Mr. A merge with Mr. B and enters into partnership firm. Now we have to appoint partnership firm as auditor instead of Mr. A.

    Should we file Adt-3 for casual vacancy and then again file Adt-1 for appointment of partnership firm ?

    1. There are no specific provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 on this particular matter. In case of rotation of auditors, the incoming auditor or audit firm shall not be eligible if such auditor or audit firm is associated with the outgoing auditor or audit firm under the same network of audit firms. Yes, an ADT-3 for resignation can be filed and ADT-1 can be filed with Board resolution and approval of members. Per Section 139(8) the tenure of the auditor filing the casual vacancy shall be till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.

  40. Hello sir, our company has appoint a auditor firm in 2004 and it continue to act as auditor till now, in the coming agm it’s tenure will be end as it was reappointed in 2015. Our company is a private company and does not come under threshold limit of 139(2). Can we again re appoint the same auditor firm for further five year.
    I tried to fill ADT 1 and mention previous tenure of 15 years but it give me option of only 10 years.

    1. Since your company does not fall under the threshold limit prescribed under Section 139(2) of the Companies, 2013, your Company is eligible to appoint the same auditor firm for a further period of 5 years. Though you are facing an error while filing the Form ADT-1, you can try the following:

      • Make sure that you have entered the correct details in Form ADT-1
      • Download a new form and see if the error persists
      • If the error is persisting, you can raise a ticket with MCA
      • Also, check if the Company is still not covered under the threshold limit

  41. Appointment of Stat Auditor-
    In a listed company, if a firm is appointed as stat auditor for a period of 5 years & dont wish to appoint it for further 5 years, is there any requirement of special notice ?

    1. No, if the term of the auditor is expired special notice is not required to be given.

      However, in case the Company is desirous of removing the auditor prior to completion of the first tenure, then, the conditions under Section 140 (including CG Approval and special notice) to be complied.

  42. A Pvt Ltd Company appointed an auditor for 5 years. However right after signing the Financial Statements for the 2nd year , the auditor resigned 10 days before AGM. Shall it amount to casual Vacancy? can the company appoint new auditor for a period of 5 years in the AGM?

    1. A casual vacancy in the office of auditor arisen as a result of resignation of previous auditor (any number of days prior to completion of his office tenure) is to be filed by the Board within 30 days i.e a Board Resolution to be passed to recommend to shareholders the appointment of new auditor. Thereafter a general meeting to be held within 3 months of recommendation of board to approve such appointment. Hence in your case, a Board Meeting can be conducted before the ensuing AGM and the agenda to appoint new auditor can be taken up at the ensuing AGM.

      1. Hello sir, I’m a student, I have a query:-
        ABC PUB. LTD., to which the provisions of rotation of auditor are applicable, appoints a firm as its auditor. If the audit firm resigns/ is disqualified/ is removed or due to any other reason no more the auditor of the said firm before the completion of its term (say after 2 yrs of appointment), can it be reappointed as auditor of the same firm after a period of 1yr from removal/disqualification/resignation etc. for a term of 5 yrs? If yes, Is this a loop hole in law(I dont have enough knowledge, just out of curiosity). Can the auditor be removed after every 4 years and reappointed as new auditor from sixth year for another term of 5 yrs?

        1. The Act provides an upper cap in the number of years for which an audit firm can be appointed. Thus, even though an audit firm is appointed for a term less than 5 years or removed/ resigned/disqualified before expiry of its period of appointment, it shall be considered as one term of appointment and the auditor shall follow the provision of cooling period after it completed a period of two terms of five consecutive years.

          1. Dear Sir,

            As per section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules,2014, Listed company or a company belongs to such class or classes of companies as prescribed, one of them is (any company having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of rupees fifty crores or more) cannot appoint or re-appoint an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years

            Since the company is covered under the criteria on f.y. 2018-2019, Thus the company cannot Appoint or Reappoint an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years from the f.y. 2019-2020 onwards.

            Further the section 139(2) is applicable when the company belongs to such class of companies as prescribed in rule 5, so the term is counted form the appointment or reappointment after such company belongs to class of companies as prescribed i.e., in your case from the f.y. 2019-2020 onwards.

      2. Hi Sir,

        I have a question about your reply that “What will be the tenure of the new auditor being appointed in the AGM? Will it be 1 year as the auditor appointed in casual vacancy holds office upto the next AGM or will it be 5 years as the auditor is itself getting appointed in AGM and the appointment will not be treated as a casual vacancy appointment?”

        1. Dear Reader,

          Casual vacancy due to death – Board will appoint new auditor within 30 days and the auditor shall hold the office till the conclusion of AGM.

          Casual vacancy due to resignation – Board will appoint the auditor within 30 days but this decision needs to be ratified by the members within 3 months and the auditor shall hold the office till the conclusion of the AGM.

          Point to be noted here is that even if the members have ratified the appointment of new auditor (u/s 139(8)), the tenure is till the next AGM only. Per our understanding this is primarily to match the tenure as stated in 139 (1), i.e. tenure shall be counted from AGM to AGM. If the auditor is being appointed in the AGM, the tenure shall be 5 years as even if the auditor might have been appointed in the month of August and AGM is scheduled on 30 September, his one tenure up to the AGM is over and the nest appointment shall be for 5 years.

  43. Sir, i have filed form RD1 along with ADT-2 and fees to RD on 04/06/2020 for removal of Auditor of a very small pvt. ltd. co. After more than a month status of SRN shows ” Pending for ROC report” . What it means and what happen next to get the approval . Is there any hearing at RD office we have to face? Pls, advise.

    1. From your query, we could not understand which form (ADT-2 or RD-1) is having such status as ‘Pending for ROC report’. However, in our experience, for almost all e-forms requiring an RD Approval, an original hard copy of all the related documents is submitted with the RD office and thereafter a hearing is held with RD to proceed with approval of form if application is in order.

  44. ABC Pvt Ltd has a public deposits are more than 50cr, it has appointed an individual auditor and the concept of rotation of auditor is applicable.
    Now for FY 19-20 the term of 5yrs is completed but the public deposits are less than 50cr..
    Is ABC pvt ltd should appoint another auditor for FY 20-21 or can continue the existing auditor as the rotations conditions are not satisfied?

    Kindly please answer this… thank you in advance

    1. Dear Sir,

      Pursuant to Section 139(2)(i) of the Companies Act, 2013, after completion of term of 5 consecutive years an individual auditor cannot be re-appointed as auditor of the same company for a period of 5 years.

      In the given case, since the auditor liable to rotation has completed his term of 5 years in FY 2019-20, he can be re-appointed in the same company only after FY 2024-25.

      Thus, another auditor is to be appointed by the company, however, his office would be liable for rotation only when such company falls under the category of specified class of companies (http://ebook.mca.gov.in/Actpagedisplay.aspx?PAGENAME=18069).

  45. Dear Sir
    Hope you are doing well.

    Please share your view in case where a private company is under the process of strike off, Do it still require to comply with the various provisions of Companies Act, 2013 viz. auditor appointment etc.

    Thanks in appreciation.

    1. As per the provisions of Section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, the company shall stand dissolved on the date of publication of form STK-7 in the Official Gazette by the registrar. Therefore, until and unless the Company is dissolved all the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 shall remain applicable to the Company.

  46. Respected sir,
    I have ABC Pvt Ltd, my auditor filed Adt-1 in 2018 till 1st AGM of 2019. subsequently he didn’t made any financial statement for 1st AGM. Now company is in default of filing and want to take a benefit of company fresh start scheme and want to file previous years filing. How I make financial statement for 2019 AGM as my auditor not taking such steps.

    1. As we understand, the first auditor of the Company, who held office till 1st AGM, did not provide the audited financial statements for FY ended 31st March, 2019. However, the audited financials are mandatorily required to be placed in the AGM of the Company and the same is to be approved by the shareholders before filing it with the RoC. If the financials were not placed in the AGM, it is a contravention of section 129(2) of the Companies Act, 2013, and you are required to go for compounding of this offence as per section 129(7). Further, non-filing of financials is a contravention of section 137 of the Act. While delayed filing (here, under section 137) is covered under Companies Fresh Start Scheme (CFSS), the violation of law under section 129(2) is beyond its scope.

      For detailed understanding, you are requested to seek professional guidance in this matter.

    2. Respected Sir, in case of casual vacancy after appointment us 139(8) why one more ADT-1 is not required to be filed after EGM or AGM, as ultimately the appointment power of auditors rests with the Members. Or single ADT-1 could be filed after Members appointment at EGM or AGM.

      1. Dear Sir,

        The casual vacancy in the office of the auditor is required to be filed by the Board of Directors of the Company within 30 days. However, if the same has arisen due to the resignation of the previous auditor, the appointment of the new auditor shall be subject to the approval of members of the Company.

        The requirement to file Form ADT-1 shall arise from:
        • In case of resignation: within 15 days from the date of approval of the appointment by the members in the general meeting;
        • Other than resignation: within 15 days from the date of appointment by the Board

        Therefore, Form ADT-1 is filed only once after the appointment of the new auditor as per the above timeline.

  47. The auditor is appointed in the 1st AGM, and the provisions of sec 139(2) where applicable to the company, the auditors term for 5 consecutive years are done, can that same auditor be re-appointed in 6th AGM , if provisions of sec 139(2) are not applicable to the company?

  48. In our case, there are three companies not falling under Sec 139(2) and where the auditor is appointed till the ensuing AGM. Here, the company does not want to re-appoint the auditors in the ensuing AGM and wants to appoint a new auditor.

    1. How do we consider a term for the auditor? On the basis of F.Y. or AGM to AGM as one term?
    2. Can we appoint a new auditor without the requirement of special notice under Sec 140(4)?
    3. If the term will expire in the ensuing AGM then what is the process to appoint a new auditor?
    4. Can the new auditor be directly appointed for a period of 5 years in the AGM after Board’s approval?

    1. 1. As per Section 139(1), the auditor shall hold office from the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of every sixth Annual General Meeting. Hence, one term shall be considered from AGM to AGM.

      2. Yes, but only if the auditor has completed his tenure of five years or ten years, as the case maybe. Otherwise, if your company is replacing or appointing a new auditor in place of a retiring auditor, then your company shall mandatorily comply with section 140(4) Special Notice. However, if the auditor resigns before the expiry of his term, there will be no requirement of Special Notice.

      3. Kindly refer section 139 of Companies Act, 2013 read with rule 3 of Companies (Audit & Auditors) Rules, 2014, for the process of appointment.

      4. As per Section 139(1) read with Rule 3(7) of Companies (Audit & Auditors) Rules, 2014, every auditor shall be appointed for five years after the recommendation by Board/Audit Committee, if any, and approved by shareholders in Annual General Meeting.

  49. Sir I have appointed a Auditor Firm in Causal Vacancy in May 2019 upto the Coming AGM and in that same AGM I have appointed a same auditor for 5 Years. Now in the year 2020 that Auditor Firm demerged into Proprietor. Now my question is that:
    1. Whether we can appoint that same auditor.?
    2. When to appoint that Same auditor and how to appoint…?
    One more question is that if a tenure of auditor for appointment as an Auditor of 5 years is completed. Can he still be reappointed after 5 years or he can never be appointed in the same company. Thanks in Advance.

    1. Your company originally appointed an Audit firm as its auditor for 5 years, which subsequently demerged into a sole proprietorship. A proprietor is considered as an individual and Rule 6(3) of Companies (Audit and Auditor) Rules, 2014, is applicable only in case of expiry of the term of the auditors.

      Since this is a case of casual vacancy, your company could appoint the same auditor for a single term of 5 years. It being a casual vacancy, the Board can appoint the auditor within 30 days and no need of shareholders’ approval. Further, where an auditor completes his single tenure of 5 years or an audit firm complete its two terms of 5 years, both can be appointed in the same company only after a cooling period/ gap of further 5 years.

  50. Previous Statutory auditor has resigned in September, 2014 and I have appointed ABC & Co. (Firm) as a Statutory Auditor for the F.Y 2014-15 by the Board of Director (No casual Vacancy arised in that year and Company incorporated in the year 2006 ). After that the Same Auditor ( ABC & Co) has been reappointed for 5 years in the Annual General Meeting on 30th Sept 2015 (from 2015-2020). Now I have following queries:
    1. whether the same auditor firm can be reappointed?? if so appointed what would be the term of auditor ( whether 4 or 5 years) . if not eligible for appointed , then why?
    2. 1st year of Auditor appointment can be counted as one term or not?
    please clarify

    1. The concept for rotation of auditors was introduced under the Companies Act, 2013 for specific companies as mentioned in the Act. As per the provision of Section 139(2) of the Act, those companies cannot appoint or re-appoint:

      (a) an individual as an auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years; and
      (b) an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years:

      The Companies were allowed a time period of 3 years from the date of commencement of Act i.e. 1st April, 2014 to comply with the said provision.

      However, the period of auditor for which the individual or the firm has held office as auditor prior to the commencement of the Act shall be taken into account for calculating the period of five consecutive years or ten consecutive years, as the case may be.

      Therefore, the re-appointment of auditor in AGM held on 30th September, 2015 for 5 years shall be counted as one term and the appointment of auditor for one term of FY 2014-15 may not be considered as one term if the appointment was due to casual vacancy. Hence, ABC & Co. may be re-appointed for one more term of 5 years.

      However, if the appointment of the auditor for one financial year 2014-15 was not due to casual vacancy, such period shall be considered for calculating period of 5 years and thus ABC& Co. may be re-appointed for a period of 4 years.

  51. Hiiiii,

    Can a Company has more than one auditor for same period ????

    Can auditor audit the financial statement of the financial year in which he was not auditor of that company ?

    1. As per section 139(3)(b) and rule 6(4) of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, it can be construed that the Company can appoint two or more individuals or firms as joint auditor to whom provisions of Rotation of Auditors are applicable.

      Further Section 143(2) of the Companies Act, 2014 stipulates that “the auditor shall make a report to the members of the company on the accounts examined by him and on every financial statements which are required by or under this Act to be laid before the company in general meeting…”

      The auditor here means the Auditor Appointed under section 139(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. Therefore the auditor cannot audit the financial statement for the F.Y. in which he was not the auditor of that Company.

      1. If a Company wants to appoint joint auditors in EGM for FY 2020-21 then what will be the term of the joint auditor?

        1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, every auditor shall be appointed in the Annual General Meeting by the members. Therefore, where any auditor is appointed other than the annual general meeting then the tenure shall be from the date of EGM till the date of next AGM.

          However, please note that, assuming that you are appointing the auditors in EGM due to any casual vacancy in the office of previous auditor, therefore, pursuant to Section 139(8) any casual vacancy shall be filled by the Board within 30 days, but if such casual vacancy is as a result of the resignation of an auditor, such appointment shall also be approved in the general meeting convened within three months of the recommendation of the Board and he shall hold the office till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting.

          In case where the company has appointed two or more joint auditors (whether individuals or firms or any other combination), the rotation may be followed in such a manner that all joint auditors do not complete their term in the same year.

  52. ABC Pvt Ltd incorporated in Sep 2010 and appointed XYZ & Co., as their auditors. Till date (31st March 2020) they continue to be the auditors. The Company’s borrowings from Banks/ FIs exceeded Rs. 50 Crores as at March 31, 2019. Now when is the auditor liable to retire by rotation (assuming that the paid up capital has not exceeded the limits prescribed)?
    Please clarify

    1. Pursuant to the provision of section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rule, 2014, no listed company or a company belonging to such class or classes of companies as may be prescribed, shall appoint or re-appoint:

      (a) an individual as auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years; and
      (b) an audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years.

      In the present case, the said provision gets attracted w.e.f. 31st March, 2019. Therefore, the term of the existing Statutory Auditor, for the purpose of rotation, shall be counted from FY 2018-19. Per this, it has completed two consecutive years as auditor and 3 years are still to be completed to constitute one term.

  53. Could it would be possible to appoint same auditor which is appointed by board within 30 days of incorporation in first agm for the tenure of 5 year.

    1. Yes, there is no such prohibition in the Companies Act, 2013 to appoint the same auditor if the appointment of such auditor is approved by the shareholders in the annual general meeting of the company.

  54. sir, I have appointed ABC & Co. as a Statutory Auditor for the F.Y 2014-15 by the Board of Director due to causual Vacancy. Afterthat the Same Auditor ( ABC & Co) has been reappointed for 5 years in the Annual General Meeting on 30th Sept 2015. Now I have following queries:
    1. whether the same auditor firm can be reappointed?? if so appointed what would be the term of auditor ( whether 4 or 5 years) . if not eligible for appointed , then why?
    2. from last five years ( including casual vacany, the same parter has been signing the balance sheet. now whether same auditor of the ABC & co can sign the further balance sheet of upcoming 5 years or not?

    1. The tenure of the auditor appointed in case of casual vacancy is upto the date of ensuing annual general meeting of the Company as he is appointed in the place of resigning auditor to fill the vacancy. Therefore, he can be appointed for 2 consecutive terms. Further, as per the 139 (2), one term is of 5 consecutive Years. So, the term of appointment would be 5 Years.

      The same partner can further sign the balance sheet for next 5 years as there is no provision in the law about signing of balance sheet by auditors.

  55. Director of x company resign from the office on 1-2-2018. can x company appoint him as a director of that company?

    1. To answer this query we would need to look into what the previous designation was, terms of appointment/ re appointment, provisions of the Articles of Association and provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 based on the designation.

    1. “Assuming your company doesn’t fall under Section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014.

      A statutory auditor cannot be appointed for a term of less than five years, if so then the term of his/her appointment will be counted as one term. Therefore in your case the term will be counted as 3 separate term. “

  56. Sir. We are a firm of chartered accountants handling audit of a 3 year old company. We were appointed for a tenure of 5 years, but now the company has been taken over by another group & their registered office has been shifted to a different state. So now they wish to change the auditor & have already appointed a new auditor after obtaining our consent. But we never submitted any resignation & only gave our consent for appointing new auditors. In this case, does the company have to file ADT-2 or should we file ADT-3, or both? Thanks in advance.

    1. ADT-2 and ADT-3 are two different forms that are filed in two different scenarios.

      Form ADT-2 is filed by the Company with the Central Government in order to remove the auditor before the expiry of his/her term whereas Form ADT-3 is filed by the auditor itself in case of resignation.

      Since, you had provided your consent/No-objection certificate for appointment of new auditor, the Company might have assumed that you were willing to vacate the office and had treated your consent as deemed resignation. In the event of resignation of auditor, submission of Form ADT-3 is the duty of the resigning auditor.

  57. What happens if a private limited company crosses the threshold limit of 50 crores of paid up capital in between the year. will the clause rotation. Of auditors applicable. The year end borrowing is less than 50cr

    1. With respect to the provisions of Rotations of Auditors, the Act does not provides further explanation whether the threshold limit is applicable based on preceding audited Financial Statement. Hence, we would like to approach the issue conservatively i.e., the provisions of Rotation of Auditors will be applicable once the threshold limit of Paid-up capital triggers Rs. 50/- crores.

  58. In case of company, auditor office is vacated after 3 years then after 2 year.
    In 6 year then auditor can be re-appointed again

    1. We need a clarity on whether the auditor so appointed was an individual or an audit firm.

      Here, we are assuming that the auditor was an audit firm, please note that under Section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013, an audit firm shall be eligible for appointment for maximum two terms of 5 consecutive years and shall not be eligible for re-appointment until 5 years have lapsed from the date of completion of his second term.

      In the given case, every appointment shall be counted as separate term of appointment even if less than 5 consecutive years. Thus, the company cannot appoint the same auditor in the 6th year because the two terms for the auditor have already expired and the auditor can be appointed again, only after a break of minimum 5 years after expiry of such two terms.

        1. Dear Sir,

          We couldn’t identify your query very clearly and have answered to the best of our understanding. In case your company falls under the criteria specified under Section 139(2), then rotation of auditors is mandatory. Hence, even if an auditor serves a period of three years, it will be treated as one full term. Thereafter, the same individual auditor cannot be reappointed in the same company unless a time gap of 5 years has lapsed in between. However, in case the first term of three years was served to fill a casual vacancy, then the same auditor can be appointed for another term of five consecutive years.

  59. Sir,
    We filed ADT-1 after the board of directors meeting instead off EGM appoint auditor to fill up casual vacancy due to resignation of auditor. After EGM we filed again Form ADT-1 and SRN got approved. Please advise whether we need to cancel Form ADT-1 which we filed after board of directors meeting?. If yes, kindly advise how to cancel step by step.

    1. As per the provision of Section 139(8) of the Companies Act, casual vacany arised due to resignation of previous auditor shall be filled up by the Board of Directors of the Company subject to approval of members of the Company in a general meeting held within a period of 3 months from the date of recommendation by the Board.

      As per our understanding, the date of appointment should be the date on which the resolution has been approved by the Shareholders of the Company and the Form ADT-1 should be filed after the approval of the Shareholders.

      Hence, in the given case the ADT-1 filed after the Board meeting has no relevance, as in casual vacancy the appointment of Auditor is not valid until approved by the Shareholder. Since, ADT-1 filed after shareholders’ meeting is approved. The Company can take up this matter with ROC for cancellation of SRN of Form ADT-3 filed after Board’s approval.

  60. Can a statutory auditor surrender his COP without intimating the Company
    If Yes , then can we file ADT – 3
    with an inactive Membership number

    1. Please note that in this case the statutory auditor is advisable to firstly resign from the post of statutory auditor of the Company by intimating the reason (surrender of COP in your case) of the same to the Company and then should proceed with surrender of COP.
      Also, ADT-3 cannot be filed with an inactive membership number.

  61. im a pvt Ltd co with less than 3 crores c. my auditor fees exhorbitant.want to change auditor.what is the procedire

    1. In case if Company wants to remove the auditor (other than resignation) before completion of his tenure, Company has to comply with the provision of Section 140(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. The Company shall be required to take the approval of Central Government and pass a Special Resolution to remove the auditor.

  62. A company having a paid up capital of Rs. 15 Crores has filed adt-1 for the year 2015-16, after that no adt-1 had been filed , till 2014-15, some other auditor was there, now shall I appoint and file adt-1 again for five years including year 2015-16 or what?

    1. In pursuance to the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Auditor shall be appointed for a term of five consecutive years.

      Kindly check if the appointment was made as per aforementioned provisions for 5 Years; in that case ADT-1 need not to be filed again till the expiration of five years.

  63. A running company has been struck-off by ROC vide a mass strike-off notification in Aug.2018. Can a statutory auditor refuse to audit the books of accounts? Please enlighten me.

    1. With the appointment of Interim Resolution Professional/Resolution Professional (IRP/RP), the powers of Board of Directors vested under the Companies Act, 2013 are suspended and the IRP/RP is mandated to manage the affairs of the Company. Nevertheless, the Auditor appointed by the members of the Company should continue to perform duties required as per the Companies Act, 2013.
      Since, the IBC Code, 2016 has an overriding effect over all other laws which are in force for the time being and Section 28 of the IBC Code, 2016 clearly states that the IRP/RP cannot make any changes in the appointment or terms of conduct of Statutory Auditors or internal auditors of the Corporate Debtor without prior approval of committee of creditor with 66% of the voting right.
      So, as per above, it is not mandatory to change the Auditor of the Company, if the IRP/RP wants to do so then prior approval of the Committee of Creditors will be required.

  64. Dear Sir/Ma’am,
    Our company is a private company and not covered under section 139(2).
    The tenure of 5 years of the auditor (individual) will expire at the ensuing genral meeting. Now Board wants to change the auditor and to appoint some one else. Can the same be done by board without receiving special notice under section 140(4) ?

    1. In the given case, since your Company is not covered in the class of companies prescribed under Section 139(2), the Board can at its discretion continue/ discontinue with the previous statutory auditor of the company who HAS served his full one term of 5 consecutive years. The requirement of serving a notice in accordance with Section 140 shall not be required as the auditor has already completed his tenure i.e. the said notice is required only if the Board desires to remove the auditors before expiry of his/ her tenure. Thus, the board after intimating to the existing auditor about the expiration of their term of appointment, recommend other auditor (after taking his consent for appointment) to be appointed at the ensuing AGM, the shareholders can take note of the expiry of the tenure of the previous auditor and pass an Ordinary Resolution to appoint a new statutory auditor.

  65. If our statutory auditor resigned on 8/9/2019 and then adt-3 also filed. board meeting is convened to appoint new auditor. and we have to file adt-1 within 15 days. now my ques is to take approval from shareholders can we take approval in AGM (which is to be conducted in this month only) instead of holding EGM.

    1. As per the provisions of Section 139(8) of the Companies Act, 2013 casual vacancy arising due to the resignation of auditor shall be filled by the Board of Directors of the Company within 30 days subject to the approval of the members of the Company in a general meeting convened within 3 months from the date of meeting of Board of Directors.

      In your case, the Company is firstly required to hold a Board Meeting for recommending the appointment of auditor. Thereafter, Company can get the approval of members of the Company in annual general meeting itself provided the meeting is held within 30 days from the recommendation of auditor.

  66. An auditor whose term is expired in this year 2019. The auditor did not want to re-appoint and the said company i.e. Board did not find the new auditor. On 30th Sept they hold AGM. My question is what is to be written regarding auditor in Directors report. and whether at AGM they can appoint new auditor without Board.

  67. If the tenure of 10 years of a Statutory Auditor has expired, how should the new auditor be appointed in the AGM? Which Forms are to be filed?

    1. Following procedure is to be followed for appointment of an auditor in AGM:

      • Firstly intimate the previous auditor that his tenure is going to expire at ensuing AGM of the Company as he has completed two terms of 5 consecutive years and hence not eligible for re-appointment as an auditor of the Company.
      • Then Company to approach the new auditor and intimate him about its intention to appoint him as an auditor of the Company (before the date of Board Meeting in which notice of AGM is to be approved)
      • Written consent from the auditor along with the certificate that the appointment, if made shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and he fulfills the eligibility criteria as provided in section 141 shall be obtained from the Auditor (it shall be received before the date of Board Meeting in which notice of AGM is to be approved)
      • Company shall issue notice of AGM to the members proposing appointment of auditor in the agenda (along with other items).
      • Members may pass an ordinary resolution in AGM approving the appointment of such auditor.
      • Company shall issue appointment letter to the auditor within 15 days of the AGM
      • Filing of Form ADT-1 with the Registrar within 15 days from the date of AGM

  68. An auditor resigned as Statutory Auditor of a Company.
    He wants to get reappointed in the same company.
    Is there any restrictions on his reappointment ?
    What is the procedure?

    1. There are no restrictions on the re-appointment of such auditor if such re-appointment is as per the provisions specified under the Act and such auditor can be re-appointed following the procedure prescribed u/s 139.

      However re-appointment in the same Company is not allowed for five years from the completion of one term of five consecutive years, in case of an individual auditor and two terms of five consecutive years, in case of an audit firm.

  69. Company A ( falling under the preview of Section 139(2) under prescribed class of company) appoint / re-appoint same Audit firm as stat auditor in AGM of 2013-14, 2014-15,2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19 for term of 1 year & file ADT-1 every year in this respect. Whether we calculate maximum tenure of Auditor firm for 10 years in totality OR consider the appointment of firm as one term each and appoint another firm as auditor for subsequent years?

    1. As per the provisions of section 139 read with relevant rules, the tenure of Auditor firm shall be counted in totality irrespective of the fact that the Company appoints the Auditor firm every year and thereby files ADT-1 for such appointment each year.

      It may be noted that ‘term’ implies the term of five years for appointment by shareholders. As reflected by section 139(2) of the Act the duration of appointment must be one or two terms of five years as the case may be. The mandate given to shareholders is to appoint auditor for one or two terms of five years.

      An auditor firm can hold office for 2 terms of five consecutive years. Hence, the same auditor firm can be appointed for another 4 years to complete the tenure as per law.

  70. Statutory Auditors appointed for the year 2014-15 for one year and subsequently appointed for rive years .e. 2015-16 to 2019-20 then whether appointment of Firm as Statutory Auditors will be considered for two terms of five year or we can appoint him for further period of four years?

    1. As per Rule 3 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 the Auditor appointed in the annual general meeting shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of the sixth Annual General Meeting which implies that an auditor shall be appointed for a term of five years and not less than that.

      We are assuming that your company falls under such class or classes of Companies as prescribed under Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014. The Company had appointed an Auditor in the year 2014-15 for one year and subsequently for the next five year. Hence, in accordance with the act it shall be considered as two term.

      Moreover, if the said auditor was appointed by the Board of Director to fill the casual vacancy then the said auditor can serve the office for further four years.

  71. XYZ appointed its statutory auditor in its 14th AGM held on June 2015 till the conclusion of 18th AGM and mentioned 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2019 as period of Accounts to be audited in E-Form ADT-1.
    Later on, company changes its financial year from Calendar Year to Financial year as per Companies Act, 2013 and the financial year in which such change was executed was for 15 months i.e. 01st January 2015 to 31st March 2016.

    And now at the time of convening 18th AGM, do we need to consider appointment of Auditor for a period of next 5 years commencing form conclusion of 18th AGM to 23rd AGM ?

    Please advice

    1. As per the facts of the case, Auditors were appointed in the 14th AGM held in June 2015 till the conclusion of the 18th AGM. (For Financial Year 01st January 2015 to Financial Year 31st December 2018)

      Please note that 18th AGM of the Company will be held in the year 2019.

      In form ADT-1, appointment period for auditing is mentioned for FY 01st January 2015 – 31st December 2019. It seems data has been entered incorrectly in the Form.

      With regard to appointment for further 5 years, The Auditor were appointed for period from 01st January 2015 to 31st March 2019 (After changing Financial Year in 2016) or from the conclusion of the AGM in 2015 to the conclusion of the AGM in 2019 i.e. 4 Years.

      An auditor firm can be appointed for 2 terms of 5 years so it can be appointed for another term.

  72. Can CAG remove the branch auditor appointed by them without any reason? Can a consolidated auditor of a govt company be the branch auditor by removing the existing branch auditor?

    1. Yes, CAG can remove the branch auditor appointed by them after obtaining prior approval of the Central Government and by giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the concerned auditor in terms of provisions of section 140.

      Company’s auditor can also be a branch auditor as per section 143. However, a special resolution is required post approval of Central Government to remove an auditor.

  73. A company auditor of private company (rotation doesn’t applies) wants to discontinue as auditor after 3 years

  74. In case of Private company if Paid up capital of the company is less than cr.. and Auditor was appointed for two consequent terms of 5 years so in that case whether we can reappoint the Auditor this area ?

    1. The Rotation of Auditors in case of Private Limited Company is applicable to :

      a. having paid up share capital of rupees fifty crore or more; or
      b. having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of rupees fifty crores or more.

      In your case, if your company does not fall in the above category, then Auditor can be reappointed.

      1. If an individual auditor serves 5 years and re-appointed for 5 more years. What if after re-appointed, if in the very next year it came under the purview of 139(2). Then what to do?

        1. If the Company fall under the purview of Section 139 (2), then Auditor shall resign from the office and shall not do the audit for the remaining period. The Auditor gives the certificate to the company at the time of re-appointment that the proposed appointment is as per the term provided under the Act.
          Based on this, the Auditor shall provide a letter to the company that his reappointment now in not as per the term provided in the act due to applicability of Section 139 (2) of the Act.

  75. If a company falls under Section 139(2) and has appointed Firm X as the Statutory Auditor of the Company for two years. Thereafter, firm X resigned before the expiry of its term and Firm Y get appointed for the period of one year by the Board, the same was approved with the SH with in three months in AGM. Furhter, Firm Y resigned before the accounts approval and the Company re-appointed Firm X for one year. My query is can the same Firm X be appointed for the next year..if yes then what would be the tenure of appointment.

    1. As per provisions with regard to Rotation of Auditors, the Firm is eligible for appointment of 2 Terms of 5 consecutive years i.e. 10 Years.

      A break in the term for a continuous period of five years is considered as fulfilling the requirement of rotation but the break is to be for Five Years or More. (Explanation II and Notes to Illustration explaining rotation in Rule 6 of Audit Rules)

      In this Case, Firm X has been appointed for a Term of 2 Years before a break of 1 Year and then Firm X has been reappointed for 1 Year.
      The period for which it can be the Auditor is 2 Years and then a term of 5 Consecutive Years.

  76. Mr. A Chartered Accountant (Sole proprietorship firm) was incorporated in may 2013. B & C Chartered Accountants (Partnership firm) was incorporated in July,2017. Mr. A got merged with B & C in May 2018. further Company incorporation date is 16th Feb, 2016 so financial year will be 16th feb to 31st march,2017. The board meeting date for approving financial is 5th december, 2017 and agm date is 28th december, 2017.further Company has filed income tax for year return and balance sheet are signed by B & C (Partnership firm) Now my question is how can i show appointment of B & C in Company as their first auditor as the same was incorporated in July,2017 please resolve the same.

  77. If an auditor is appointed to fill casual vacancy and his tenure is till the next AGM. In next AGM, another auditor is appointed for 5 consecutive years. Whether ADT-3 is required to be filed?

    1. No. ADT-3 shall be filed only in case of resignation of auditor. If the tenure of the previous auditor is completed (as in your case previous auditor’s term was only till the conclusion of AGM), you can appoint the new auditor and file ADT-1 for the appointment of new auditor.

      1. In case the auditor appointed in casual vacnacy is to be reappointed as auditor in the next AGM, whether he can be appointed for next 5 years where the company is liable to rotate auditors every 5 years, or should he be reappointed for 4 years only, as he has already done audit of previous 1 year when appointed in casual vacancy? Thanks.

        1. Appointment of Auditor is an ordinary business taken up at the Annual General Meeting of the Company. Section 139 provides that the auditor shall be appointed/re-appointed for a term of five years. The Act is silent on the manner in which the calculation for 5 years will be done where the auditor has also been appointed through casual vacancy.

          In view of the above, we are of the interpretation that the auditor shall be re-appointed for a fresh term of 5 years and the period of 1 year as casual vacancy shall not be counted.

  78. In case death of auditor what is the procedure for filing of ROC. ADT-3 is required or not. In case if it is not required then what i can fill in ADT-1 form about SRN of ADT-3

    1. As per Section 140 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Auditor who has resigned before the expiry of his tenure shall intimate to ROC in Form ADT-3. In case of casual vacancy arisen due to death of auditor, the Company should file Form ADT-3 with the death certificate of the auditor as the attachment. In case the death certificate has not been issued yet, the Company can file a declaration along with the obituary published in newspaper (if any) as the mandatory attachments to Form ADT-3. Subsequently, you can proceed with filing Form ADT-1 for the new auditor.

        1. Form ADT-3 is required to be filed only when the auditor resigns from the Company {Sec 140(2)}. In case of death of auditor, it results in casual vacancy which is to be filled by the Board of the concerned company.

          Further, if the auditor had resigned but died before filing of the form ADT-3, as per our understanding, it would be better if the Company treats it as casual vacancy due to death and appoints a new auditor. Alternatively, the concerned RoC can be informed by physical submission of requisite documents i.e. death certifcate, resignation letter etc.

          1. Dear Sir,
            In the above scenario, while filing ADT-1, there is requirement for SRN to be mentioned. What has to be mentioned there.

          2. Please note that the ‘Approved’ SRN of form ADT-1/ 23B/ GNL-2 (as the case may be) filed for the appointment of the previous Auditor shall be stated in the Form ADT-1 to report the appointment of the new auditor.

    1. Eligibility Letter is provided by an auditor for the term of his appointment. Therefore, it is not required every year. However, if the auditor falls under any disqualification after appointment, he/she is required to vacate his office as such auditor.

  79. Can i appoint auditor in EGM whjch will be conducted after AGm of 30/09/2018, probably by 27/12/2018, and also the same resolution of five years will be passed?

    1. Appointment of auditor is an ordinary business which has to be conducted in the AGM. However, casual vacancy can be filled in the EGM to hold the office till the conclusion of next AGM. If it is a case of other than casual vacancy that you want to fill in the EGM, we would suggest you to kindly obtain facts-based expert opinion, before such appointment.

  80. Dear Sir, Can auditor be appointed in EGM , which will be held after AGM of 30/09/2018, and if so, the auditor will be of same period of 5 yrs of,conclusion of first agm to Sixth agm?

  81. ADT 1 is not filed by the company. In this case, Can i file ADT 3 while resigning before the end of the term

    1. Filing of ADT-1 is the responsibility of the company and filing of ADT-3 is the responsibility of the auditor. Therefore, auditor can file ADT-3 inspite of the fact that ADT-1 is not filed by the company, thereby having no non-compliance on his part.

  82. Whether a singe ADT would suffice when the previous auditor resigned, and while filling the casual vacancy, the same auditor be appointed for five ensuing years. Bottom line: one auditor appointed to fill casual vacancy, and reappointing for next five years, will one ADT-1 suffice or 2 ADT-1 are required

    1. All the requirements of Sec 139(8) shall be complied i.e. he shall hold office till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company, Company being other than Govt. Company. The Company can reappoint the Auditor for a fresh tenure of 5 years only post completion of his casual- vacancy tenure. Hence, the Company shall file 2 separate ADT-1 for appointment to fill in casual vacancy and reappointment for fresh tenure of 5 years.

  83. My company appointed CA for 1 year, right after the incorporation. His term was till 31st March 2018, which has now expired. CA is not professional enough and we don’t want to hire him again. We already have decided upon hiring a new CA,but the old CA is not issuing a NOC certificate. What can we do?

    1. As per ICAI Code of Ethics the proposed appointee Statutory Auditor shall obtain an NOC from the retiring auditor in case the proposed new appointment is to be made before the expiry of tenure of the retiring Auditor i.e. in case of Casual Vacancy.
      Our suggestions would be that if the term of the old auditor has expired, you can go ahead with the appointment of the new auditor. The new auditor can serve a notice to the old auditor intimating him about his appointment. In case the old Auditor has any issues, he shall revert back in writing.

  84. Dear Sir,
    If a company fails to file the ADT-1 for the period FY2016-17, and now they want to file the ADT-1, then what is the penalty/fine/Late fee?

  85. Good morning ,

    I am a CA signing few company audit reports. Current year clients have not approached me for signing . I have not filed ADT 3. How am I to know if company has changed auditor. in MCA site , getting copies of financials is there but we can get it only after it is uploaded next month.Other e filing documents shows nil in MCA site.

  86. What happens if a private limited company crosses the threshold limit of 50 crores of paid up capital in between the year that after the AGM. How should I treat the rotation. Of auditors

    1. Your query requires a detailed analysis of all the facts. Hence, we suggest you to seek a professional advice for your case.
      Nevertheless, we are here to serve you for your general queries.

  87. co. has failed to comply the procedure for appointment of new auditor and resignation of the existing one pls suggest the penal provision for non compliance of the same

    1. Kindly refer to Sec 147(1) of the Companies Act 2013, for the punishment of contravention made by the Company.
      As per the concerned Section: “If any of the provisions of sections 139 to 146 (both inclusive) is contravened, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than Rs. 25,000 but which may extend to Rs. 5,00,000 and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which shall not be less than Rs. 10,000 but which may extend to Rs. 1,00,000, or with both.”

  88. Can we appoint auditor in private Company only for One year and do their re-appointment every year under Companies Act, 2013? as many private Companies still don’t want to appoint auditor for five years and re-appoint every year.. is this method of appointment correct? If, doing this practice of every year re-appointment can re-appoint same auditor for the terms of five years? and mid year provision of section 139(2) is applicable to the company than what term should we count for the appointment of auditors?

  89. as per the provision of rotation of auditor if individual auditor becomes partner in firm and is the new firm eligible for appointment as an auditor in company in which individual was earlier auditor wjose tenure of 5 year was completed?

    1. As per Section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 2013, an individual auditor can hold office up to 5 years and a firm two terms of five consecutive years. You may like to see the appointment of firm to be considered as new appointment. But the question arises, will it tantamount to circumventing the legal restriction. Will one ask the very same question after 10 years when he gets appointed in another firm seeking appointment of that firm as the Auditor?

  90. our auditor has surrendered his COP. but due to some technical reasons his ADT-3 was not filed. now his membership number has been removed from ROC. how can ADT-3 be filed now. or what is other option.

  91. Hi Sir,
    This is eusuf a practicing CA , one of my clients is private company which had a loan of > 50 Cr as on 01.04.2014 . We have been auditors to it for the past 15 Yrs . So as on 01.04.2014 we are liable to retire by rotation . we had a cooling period of 3 years and we are liable to retire from 01.04.2017 . But as on 31.03.2017 my clients borrowings were < 50 Cr . So are we still need to retire by rotation ???

    1. The applicability of Rotation in case of Private companies is when it having a borrowing of 50 crore or more.
      So, it can be understood that when at the time of appointment the borrowing is below 50 crore, the provisions of Rotation shall not apply.

  92. our CA has resigned after our confirmation, he also has filled form ADT 3 in a time limit. We also appointed another CA. But yet not filled form ADT 1 . Now we again want to appoint our original CA. Is it possible. If yes. What is the procedure ? Can you guide ?

    1. Presuming the fact that the CA is not disqualified to act as a CA of your Company, you are required to accept the resignation of the current CA and appoint your previous CA. The process will flow similarly as in any other case.

  93. Company appointed Statutory Auditor (proprietor firm) for five years in its AGM. In first year, firm merged in a partnership firm. Board filled the casual vacancy by appointing newly partnership firm upto the AGM. In AGM newly partnership firm appointed for five years. Whether the said firm is eligible to appoint next second term ? If proprietor firm dissolve and merged with partnership firm after 3 years then newly partnership firm can appointed for two terms or not ?

    1. As per Section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 2013, an individual auditor can hold office upto 5 years and a firm two terms of five consecutive years.

      It further provides that as on the date of appointment no audit firm having a common partner or partners to the other audit firm, whose tenure has expired in a company immediately preceding the financial year, shall be appointed as auditor of the same company for a period of five years.

      In your case, an individual auditor was appointed for 5 years, who merged with an auditors firm. His appointment shall be valid till 5 year from the date of his original appointment. And can’t be reappointed for another 5 years even though it has been reconstituted as a firm. The term of 5 years as applicable to individual auditor shall apply.

  94. shall i assume that sections 139(9) and 139(10) apply to companies which do not fulfill the criteria mentioned in section 139(2) ??

    1. Section 139(9) is an independent section and has to be complied with whenever an auditor is being re-appointed. Whereas, sec 139(10) is applicable only in cases where sec 139(2) is not applicable.



    1. Yes, the company can appoint RPT as new auditor if ABC is ready to resign provided sec 139(2) is not applicable on such companies.In case it is applicable, none of the demerged firms can be appointed as auditor.

  96. 1.What happens when no AGM is held, whether auditor will continue?, But as per act appointment is not ratified.
    2. Act say if no auditor at agm is appointment or reappointed the existing auditor will continue, this provisions means what?

    1. 1. As per the recent NCLT decision in the case of SPC & Associates, Chartered Accountants vs. DVAK & Co. and the provisions of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 (yet to be notified), ratification of auditor is not relevant. In the light of recent amendments, the existing auditor will continue irrespective of ratification by the shareholders in the AGM.

      2. As per sec 139(10), the existing auditor will continue subject to non-applicability of rotation of auditors on the said company.

  97. I was the auditor in company,merged my ca firm in another.
    Now,I had resigned as partner from said CA firm resulting in withdrawal from said companies.
    Now, the existing CA firm which was appointed as stat auditors are not resigning from the post however,my client want to do same. How can Adt-3 be filed in such circumstances.
    How can I reappoint myself as my firm now.

    1. I can not resign as I am not the partner in such firm.
      I can not resign from back date either as I am not the partner in said firm and also to avoid additional fees from such date and penal provisions.

      1. The auditor who has been appointed can only sign the financial statements of the Company. As per provisions of section 140 (2), it is his duty to file ADT-3 on his resignation and in case of any failure to file such form on part of auditor, he shall be made liable under section 140 sub section (3) of the Act.

    2. As per the provision of section 140 read with sub section 2, It shall be the duty of the resigning auditor to file ADT-3 within 30 days from the date of his resignation.
      Lastly, the company can also opt for removal of the Auditor before his tenure in accordance with the provisions of Section 140 of the Act, by obtaining approval from the tribunal and thereafter from shareholder.

  98. As per sec 139 (9) an auditor can be reappointed after expiry of his term but we know as per sec 139 (2) an auditor Can’t be reappointed after expiry of 5 years so my question is aren’t the 2 sub sections contradictory?

    1. Please note that pursuant to Section 139(1) of the Act, the Statutory Auditor of the Company can be appointed for the term of 5 years and can be reappointed for next term of 5 years except by the companies which are required to rotate auditors in compliance of Section 139(2). Section 139(9) lays down the additional conditions which are also required to be fulfilled by retiring auditor for his reappointment in addition 139 (2) of the Act. Therefore, both sub-sections are complementing each other rather than contradicting.

  99. My firm was the sole proprietorship firm. It was appointed as the auditor of the pvt ltd. Now my firm was merged with the another CA Firm. Please guide me if any compliance has to be done(but i am only the auditor) and firm PAN number is changed(as it is now partnership firm).

    1. As per the Companies Act, 2013, there is no compliance required to be done. But as a precautionary measure, you may attach a clarification letter while filing AOC-4 mentioning the details of merger with another firm and the changes that are applicable due to the said merger.

  100. In case of casual vacancy if auditor is appointed in egm till the conclusion of agm and adt 1 is filed.then their is need to file adt 1 in agm if same auditor is appointed?

  101. If we appoint auditor for 5 years in agm but in form adt 1 tenure of appointment is wrote only for 1 year.
    Then form adt 1 valid for 1 year or for 5 year.
    Is need to file adt 1 next year for 4 years.
    Pls reply its urgent

    1. As per companies act, 2013, an auditor is to be appointed for a period of 5 years. In the given case the appointment shall be valid for the period mentioned in the form, so in order to rectify it you can file ADT-1 again and attach a declaration stating the rectification that is to be made and other necessary attachments.

  102. can an auditor be appointed for a term of less than 5 years under CA 2013. ?? and if back date compliances are made, can an auditor be appointed for a period of 5 years under CA 1956??

    1. No there is no provision related to the appointment of an auditor for less than 5 years under Companies Act of 2013, it is only permissible if the specified section is in transitional phase.
      As per section 224 of Companies Act,1956 auditors were appointed at every annual general meeting till the conclusion of next annual general meeting, hence the back dated compliances cannot be done .

  103. An auditor
    appointed in casual vacancy whether shall also be counted as one term, though the period
    of appointment terminate with the conclusion of next annual general meeting.

    1. The provisions governing the term of Auditor under section 139 (2) clearly states that term shall means “five consecutive years”, However in case of any casual vacancy Board of Directors can appoint another auditor who shall hold the office till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. As per our understanding, appointment of Auditor in case of casual vacancy shall not be considered as one term for the provisions of Section 139 sub section 2 of the Act.

  104. Sir i have query regarding term of auditor. My company has appointed auditor on agm dtd 30 Sep 2014 mentioning appointment for FY 2014-15 i.e. for one year. Do the company needs resignation letter of the auditor for FY 2015-16 or his term will automatically be terminated.?? Please guide.

    1. In this case, casual vacancy is due to reason other than resignation of Auditor. In this case, BoD has the power to appoint auditor to fill the vacancy within a period of 30 days. Appointment can be made by passing B/R in the board meeting or through circular resolution. Form ADT-1 needs to be filed within 15 days of appointment.
      It is recommended that the adjustment be approed by board resolution

    1. The term public borrowing is not defined in Companies Act, 2013. As per general parlance, public borrowing means any amount borrowed by the Company from banks, financial institutions etc.

  105. casual vacancy arises due to resignation of auditor on 03/09/2017,
    my question is casual vacancy can be filled in annual genral meeting held on 30 september 2017

    1. As per Section 139(8), any casual vacancy in the office of an auditor due to resignation shall be filled by the Board of Directors within 30 days and such appointment shall also be approved by the company at a general meeting convened within 3 months of such appointment. Therefore in this case, it is suggested that the new auditor be appointed by the Board.

  106. Can we appoint auditor in private Company only for One year and do their re-appointment every year under Companies Act, 2013? as many private Companies still don’t want to appoint auditor for five years and re-appoint every year.. is this method of appointment correct?

    1. As per Section 139 (1) of the Companies Act, 2013, an auditor shall hold office from the conclusion of the meeting in which he is appointed till the conclusion of sixth annual general meeting and thereafter shall be appointed till the conclusion of every sixth meeting. Therefore, the auditor’s term shall be of 5 years.

  107. The tenure of 5 years of statutory auditor has been expired on 29.09.2017 , and company has not appointed auditor at next AGM held on 29.09.2017. So can we appoint Auditor in the next EGM to be held on 22.12.2017?

  108. My co. doesn’t fall in Sec-139(2) of CA, 2013. I want to re-appoint my auditor for a period of only 2 years. so Can A Statutory Auditor be appointed for a period of less than 5 years as stated in Sec-139(1)?because the section read as, “who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting”

    1. As per Section 139 (1) Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, every company shall, at the first annual general meeting, appoint an individual or a firm as an auditor who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the conclusion of every sixth meeting and the manner and procedure of selection of auditors by the members of the company at such meeting shall be such as may be prescribed:

      After careful reading it can be deduced that a Company shall appoint auditors for term of 5 years. Such an appointment can’t be made for a period lesser than five years.

      A Company not covered section 139(2) is not required to comply with provisions relating rotation of auditor. However, it mustn’t be construed so as to mean that these companies can appoint Auditors for term of lesser than five/ten years as the case may be.

  109. Sub : – Appointment of Statutory Auditor

    Company A ( not fall under the preview of Section 139(2) not under prescribed class of company) appoint / re-appoint same Audit firm as stat auditor in AGM of 2014-15,2015-16 & 2016-17 for term of 1 year & file ADT-1 in this respect, what should we do in this case

    1. In case your company does not fall under the prescribed class of company in Companies (Audit and Auditor) Second amendment rules, 2017, then you have the relaxation from the provision of rotation of the Statutory Auditor. However, ADT- 1 is required to be filed for the term of every 5 Year.

      1. If listed company has appointed a stat auditor and before the completion of his term of 5 yes, auditor resigned before 4th AGM so it becomes a case of casual vacancy. Now my question is whether company can appoint the same auditor in 4th or subsequent AGM

        1. In this case, casual vacancy is due to resignation of Auditor. As per Sec 139 (8) of companies act, 2013, appointment shall be approved by the company at a general meeting convened within three months of the recommendation of the Board. The compny can appoint the same person as auditor if he fulfilles the prescribed criteria. The auditor so appointed shall hold the office till the conclusion of the next annual general meeting

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