In UK, the concept of authorised share capital (ASC) was done away with through a notification of the Companies Act, 2006. Authorised share capital is the maximum number of shares a company can issue multiplied by its par value or the nominal value. Even in Singapore, incorporated companies are no longer required to specify its authorised capital after the amendment in 2005. In India, however, a company can issue new shares within the limit of its authorised share capital or else, it needs to increase it first.
Pre-emption rights
The next step is to check that the issue of shares complies with any applicable pre-emption rights. Approval of the existing shareholders through a General meeting (discussed below) is required for issue of shares by way of private placement or preferential issue. Issue of shares to existing shareholders is termed as rights issue and procedure is simple. Issue to shareholders other than existing (and therefore not rights issue) is what we have discussed here.
Different classes of share
Please note that the shares can be issued by the company of the same class or of the different classes. Unless the articles say otherwise, all shares will rank equally. However, different classes of shares will comprise of different rights – to dividends, to a return of capital on winding up and on voting. A company may have one class of share or it may have many.
The following are the detailed procedure for the issue of shares through private placement and preferential issue along with important pointers to be kept in mind.
Board Meeting
The board meeting is required to be conducted to propose the private placement or preferential issue offer, identify the person to whom the offer is to be made, and call the general meeting of the approval of the shareholders.
Please note that as per Section 179(3) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013, the board shall excise its power to issue such securities in the board meeting only.
Valuation Report
The price of the securities to be issued shall be on the basis of the valuation report of a registered valuer. However, in the case of listed companies, the price of the securities shall be determined on the basis of pricing guidelines as prescribed under SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018.
Please note that a company cannot allot shares at a discount. Since shares must be offered at par or nominal value (typically Rs. 1/- or Rs. 10/- per share) this sets the minimum price per share at which shares can be issued.
Shareholders meeting
The issue must be authorized by the shareholders of the company, by way of a special resolution. [Rule 14 of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014]
Points to be noted:
➣ Copy of special resolution shall require to be filed in form MGT-14 within 30 days of passing of such resolution.
➣ The explanatory statement is also required to be annexed along with the notice of the general meeting which shall contain various disclosures as prescribed under the Rules. Disclosures such as names of the proposed allottees, the resultant change in control, and the pre & post shareholding pattern, basis and justification of price, etc.
➣ The preferential issue must be authorized by the Articles of Association of the Company. However, if the issue is not authorized by the articles, then it must be altered accordingly.
Send offer cum application letter in form PAS-4
The company shall send the private placement offer cum application letter in the Form PAS- 4 to all the person(s) to whom the offer is made. The application form shall be serially numbered and addressed specifically to such person, either in writing or in electronic mode, within thirty days of recording the names of such persons to whom the offer is made. [Section 42(3) read with Rule 14 of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014]
Points to be noted:
➣The company may make subsequent offers of securities at the same time to the identified person.
➣The company shall maintain a complete record of private placement offers in Form PAS-5.
Share Application Money
Every identified person willing to subscribe to the above offer shall apply through the application issued to such person along with subscription money to be paid either by cheque or demand draft or other banking channel but not by cash.
However, in the case of a preferential issue, subscription money can be either in cash or in consideration other than cash.
Points to be noted:
➣Monies received on the application shall be kept in a separate bank account in a scheduled bank which shall not be utilized for any purpose other than-
✓for adjustment against the allotment of securities, or
✓for the repayment of monies where the company is unable to allot the securities.
➣The payment for subscription to securities shall have to be mandatorily made from the bank account of the person subscribing to such securities and the company shall keep the record of the Bank account from where such payments for subscriptions have been received.
The allotment of the securities shall require to be made within sixty days from the date of receipt of the application money for such securities. However, if the company unable to allot such securities within 60 days, the application money shall be refunded within the next 15 days, if the company also failed to refund the said application money, the company shall be refunded such amount along with the interest of @ 12% p.a.
In case of a preferential issue, the allotment of securities made pursuant to the special resolution shall be completed within a period of twelve months from the date of passing of such special resolution. If not completed, another special resolution shall require to be pass to complete such allotment.
A return of allotment of securities issued shall require to be filed with the Registrar within 15 days of allotment in the Form PAS-3 along with the list of allottees.
Please note that a Company shall not utilize monies raised through private placement unless allotment is made and the return of allotment is filed by the company with the Registrar.
The shares certificates shall be issued within 2 months from the date of allotment. [Section 56(4) of the Act].
The Stamp duty is to be paid within 30 days from the date of issue of shares certificates.
Penalty prescribed here is quite hefty. If a company makes an offer or accepts monies in contravention of this section, the company, its promoters and directors shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to the amount raised through such offer or twenty million rupees, whichever is lower, and the company shall also refund all monies to subscribers along with interest within a period of thirty days of the order imposing the penalty pursuant to Sec 42(10) of the Act.
The procedure / documentation noted above should also be accompanied by a shareholders agreement which will contain a number of protective provisions for the new shareholder(s) investing, and shall also to govern the relationship of all parties on an ongoing basis.
As per Proviso to Section 42(5), “a company may, at any time, make more than one issue of securities to such class of identified persons as may be prescribed”. So if total number of investors are within 200, can we have two offers (different series of CCPS) to different set of investors approved in different Board and Shareholders meeting open together?
E.g. PAS-4 for Series A CCPS issued on 01.01.2025 to Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C and is valid till 31.03.2025. Company passes a BR and SR in February 2025 for Series B CCPS and issues PAS-4 for Series B CCPS to Mr. X on 10.02.2025 while the PAS-4 for Series A CCPS is still open and all the subscription money is yet to be received therein.
Dear Reader,
As per sub-section 5 of Section 42, of the Companies Act, 2013 “(The Act)” a fresh offer of securities on a private placement basis can be made only after:
• The completion of the previous offer(s), or
• The Withdrawal or abandonment of the previous offer(s)
However, the proviso to section 42(5) states:
“…. subject to the maximum number of identified persons under sub-section (2), a company may, at any time, make more than one issue of securities to such class of identified persons as may be prescribed.”
Thus, it is interpreted that the intent of the law is to allow issuance of more than one class of securities to a class of identified persons provided that the maximum number of identified persons (i.e., 200) under sub section (2) shall not be crossed in a financial year.
Therefore, in the given example, if the number of identified persons to whom the offer is being made through Series A and Series B CCPS does not exceed 200, the same is permissible under the law.
While borrowing the Company did not have conversion clause in the Agreement. The Company plans to execute supplemental agreement including convertibility clause to execrcise option of conversion. Can you please clarify whether PAS-4 and PAS-5 are required in case where the Company is converting loan to Debentures since there will be no inflow of money now?
Dear Reader,
• If the conversion of the loan into debentures is done as per the terms of the original loan agreement (even if a supplemental agreement is executed to include the conversion clause, prior to issue of debentures), and no new funds are being raised, it may not be considered a fresh issuance of securities. In such a case, PAS-4 and PAS-5 may not be required.
• However, if the conversion is treated as a new issuance of debentures (even though no new funds are being raised), and the company is following the private placement route, then PAS-4 and PAS-5 would be required.
I had opted to subscribe to a preferential issue of a company which got passed by voting in end March / early April 2024. I was owning shares purchased directly from the market before the preferential and thus, my pre-preferential shareholding got locked as per SEBI rules.
However I have changed my mind and when it came to paying the upfront 25% of the money for the subscription of preferential shares and I communicated to the company that I was not interested in subscribing to any of the preferential shares and too release my pre-preferential shares from lock-in. This was around 3/4 months ago. I have however, not received any response from the company, compliance officer or registrar regarding the same. The preferential issue has itself not occurred till date and my pre-preferential shares are still locked.
I am wondering that for how long can the company delay the preferential issue and is there any process/way for me to get my pre-preferential shares released from lock-in as soon as possible as I am stuck.
Would greatly appreciate any help about the same.
P.S. – I am not a promoter or related to any promoters of the company in any manner.
Dear Reader,
To assist you better, it is requested to share the name of the company involved, an overview of your shareholding pattern (including details of shares purchased and their acquisition date), copies of any communication with the company or its representatives, any documentation related to the preferential issue, and any other relevant details that could help us assess the matter effectively.
You can connect with us for professional assistance in this matter.
Process for Conversion of Compulsory Convertible Debentures CCD into Equity
Dear Reader,
It seems you are stuck with a task of conversion of CCD into Equity shares. Please connect with us for professional assistance in this regard.
As per rules for issue of equity through preferential offer in a listed company,how company can find investors as subscriber for preferential shares.
Companies can solicit venture capital investors/strategic investors/local investor groups, private equity investors, financial institutions such as insurance companies, mutual funds, and other Qualified Institutional Buyers and fund houses. Also, the company can register itself on various funding platforms that informs prospective investors about the company and the products and services it renders.
Can shares be issued to existing shareholders under private placement route? We dont want to go for a rights issue. And the other shareholders are ok with it.
Yes, you can issue shares to a group of investors (including existing shareholders) without opting for Right Issue i.e by way of Private Placement. If it is a private placement, Company has to comply with the provisions of Section 42 read with relevant Rules.
If a private limited company has offered 11,600 equity shares through private placement to a foreign company (not an existing shareholder) can that foreign company subscribe only 11,000 equity shares ?
Private placement means any “offer” or invitation to subscribe or issue of securities to a selected group of persons by a company. An offer is complete only when accepted and becomes binding only with respect to the said acceptance and not more than that. Thus, in the case, it is at the discretion of the foreign company to apply to entire 11,600 shares or accept and apply only for 11000 shares.
Dear Sir
In a Private Company we made Private Placement in December, 2019 using valuation report of November, 2019. Can we make use of the same valuation report for another Private Placement in August, 2020.
Whether the valuation report of November, 2019 is still valid?
The Companies Act, 2013, and the FEMA regulations do not specify the validity of the valuation report. However, as per general practice, it shall be appropriate if the valuation report is maximum 6 months old from the date of execution of the transfer.
Further, if the valuation report is obtained for a specific purpose which is defined in the report, it will be valid for such purpose and time (if mentioned in the report) only.
Company is making private placement share are issued at premium is valuation report is compulsorily required to be made an attachment in PAS-3
And what if valuation report is of present date and letter of offer is made 1 month back.
Pursuant to Section 42(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Rule 14 of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 the valuation report is required to be sent along with the notice of the General Meeting for approval of shareholders of the Company for private placement, therefore, it is required to be obtained before the date of the general meeting.
Further, it is advisable to attach the Valuation Certificate in form PAS-3.
Dear Sir
Our Company has been converted from a partnership firm to a company under Chapter XXI, Part A. The Company wants to convert the unsecured loans outstanding as on the date of conversion into equity within a few months of conversion into company.
The Company has not entered into any agreement with the unsecured loan providers who are also the only shareholders of the Company. Can the company issue shares by conversion of loan into equity under section 62 (3) as the company was not in existence at the time of taking unsecured loans.
As per Section 62(3) a company can increase its subscribed capital by exercising the option attached to any debenture issued or loan raised by the company, provided the option to convert should be mentioned in the terms of issue and have been approved by shareholders by passing special resolution in general meeting prior to the issue of debenture or raising of loan.
As per section 371 all the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 are applicable as if the company had been formed under the Act. Since you have converted your company and the power to convert loan or debentures into equity has been manifested in the section, you need not to enter into any exclusive agreement and you can convert your unsecured loan into equity only if the original terms of issue expressly provide for such conversion.
For more clarity on this, please seek professional assistance.
Hi, since valuation of shares is mandatory in case of a preferential issue and shares cannot be issued below the price determined by the registered valuer. Please advise on how to go about a share issuance wherein the term sheet has a price that is lower than the price determined by the valuation report.
In case of Preferential Issue, the Company is also required to comply with section 42 (i.e. Offer or Invitation for Subscription of Securities on Private Placement) including section 62(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013. As per section 42, the Company is required to communicate the terms of offer through Form PAS-4 – Private Placement Offer cum application letter to be addressed to the person to whom offer is made.
Thus, the Preferential Issue will be governed by Form PAS-4 under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, wherein you can mention the price of shares as determined in the Valuation Report. Further, It would be advisable to consult a professional for executing a supplementary Term Sheet to revise the price of shares in line with Valuation Report.
Sir, i have received a private placement offer to subscribe to 5000 shares @ Rs. 100. The validity of the Offer Letter is mentioned as 12 months.
I wish to apply for 3000 shares immediately and want to reserve the right to apply for balance 2000 shares after 6 months of monitoring their performance (unless company withdraws the offer).
1. The company has sent me a serial numbered application form alongwith offer letter. Will i need to ask the company to send a separate form for applying for 2000 shares after 6 months or should I use a copy of the current application form.
Please read the offer letter carefully and check if it gives option to apply for shares in tranches. If yes, then you can connect with the Compliance officer of the company and enquire about the method to apply in tranches.
Can a NBFC registered with RBI issue preference share on private placement basis above 200 numbers in a financial year ?
As there are no Specific Guidelines issued by RBI on Issuance of Preference Shares on Private Placement basis by NBFC So, it shall comply with the Provision of the Companies Act, 2013 which states that as per Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013 read with the Rule 14 of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 Offer to subscribe for shares can be made to the Maximum 50 persons in one go and 200 persons in aggregate in One Financial year. While calculating limit of 200 persons Offer made to qualified institutional buyers or employees of the Company under Section 62(1)(b) shall not be considered. These limits are applicable individually for each kind of Securities.
Hence, in the given Situation NBFC Registered with RBI Cannot issue Preference share on Private placement basis above 200 numbers in a Financial Year.
Can we apply extention of conversion period through consent letter of CCPS holder in case of conversion of CCPS into Equity shares of private limy compay.
The CCPS holders (not less than three-fourths) can convey in writing to the Company about their intention to defer the conversion of CCPS till such period (not later than the period specified in the Act) as they desire provided such variation is not prohibited by the terms of issue of the CCPS or MOA/AOA of the Company.
Also, the variation in rights of CCPS holders will affect the rights of equity shareholders/other class of shareholders, therefore the consent of three-fourths of such other class of shareholders shall also be obtained. Please refer to Section 48 and 55 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Dear Sir,
Please guide.
We (Private Limited Company) has made offer to subscribe 10000 equity shares (one or multiple tranches) through private placement at price of Rs. 200. The subscriber wants to apply for 3000 shares at price of Rs. 200 now. He wants to apply for remaining 7000 shares after 4 months.
– Do we need to close the current offer after allotting 3000 shares and again release a offer after 4 months
for remaining 7000 shares ?
He will currently remit only Rs. 600000 (3000 * Rs. 200). Will he mention the quantity of shares applied in application form as 10000 or 3000 ?
As nothing has been specified under the act regarding the offer period in case of private placement, the offer can remain open for any period considering that the special resolution is valid for a period of twelve months. Further, the Company can raise any amount under private placement, which at the discretion of the Board, can be received in multiple tranches and shall be deemed as one offer.
However, it must be noted that the act mandates the Companies to allot the shares within a period of sixty days from the date of receipt of application money. Therefore, allotment shall be made accordingly for all the tranches within 60 days from the date of receipt of application.
So in the given case, there is no requirement to close the current offer of 10,000 shares. The remaining application money for 7,000 shares can be received in second tranche which should not be later than the twelve months. Also, the allotment for each tranche shall be made within 60 days from the receipt of money.
Can Company offer shares to few existing shareholders under private placement along with other investors?
or should we go for preferential offer
Private Placement implies an offer or invitation to offer made by the Company to specified investors to raise funds whereas Preferential allotment is the offer for issuance of shares to selected group of persons whether they are equity shareholders or employees of the Company.
Further, in case of private placement, the Company shall comply with the provisions of Section 42 of the Companies Act however in case of preferential allotment, the Company shall comply with the provisions of Section 62(1)(c) along with the Section 42.
In view of the above, it can be construed that in the given case, the shares can be issued either under private placement or preferential issue.
Please let me know if company at the time of raising of loan from its holding company passed the SR for convertion of loan into prefrence shares at later state.
Then, whether at the time of that convertion company need to follow the section 42
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to Section 62(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 there shall be no requirement of complying with the provisions of the Section 42 (dealing with private placement) if the increase of the subscribed capital of a company is caused by the exercise of option attached to loan raised by the company to convert such loan into shares in the company:
Provided that the terms of raising of such loan containing such an option have been approved before the raising of loan by a special resolution passed by the company in general meeting.
Thus, in your case, there shall be no requirement to comply with the provisions Section 42 at the time of conversion of loan
It’s private limited company, can issue shares against purchase of land, transfer of proprietorship business of pramoter or pre operative exences? Is that need to complie pass 4 n pass 5 procedure? Valuation report?
Rule 13 of The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 provides for the issue of shares on preferential basis with the justification for consideration other than cash together with the valuation report of the registered valuer.
Opinion of the professional is advisable in the said matter. Further, please note that if the issue of shares is on private placement or preferential basis then the PAS-4 (i.e. Private Placement Offer Letter) shall be applicable. PAS-5 shall also be filed if the shares are issued under private placement.
Please let us know requirement of valuation for CCD issuance by registered valuer and merchant banker. Kind refer your contacts
For issuance of CCD, there is a requirement to take valuation report from the registered valuer and merchant banker. You can contact us personally for the same.
As per Rule 13(2)(d) of the Companies (Share Capital And Debentures) Rules, 2014, the Company is required to mention the following points in the explanatory statement:
1. The price or price band within which the allotment is proposed;
2. Basis on which the price has been arrived alongwith report of the registered valuer
In case the company mentions that the BOD has been given the powers to decide the price based on the valuation report for point no. 1, will that be ok??
Does the registered valuer be in accordance with the Companies (Registered Valuer) Rules, 2017 or it can be a CA with 10 yrs of experience or SEBI Merchant Banker and also if we do not name the registered valuer in the explanatory statement, will that be ok??
Your revert at the earliest on the above queries shall be highly appreciated.
As per Rule 13(2)(d) of the Companies (Share Capital And Debentures) Rules, 2014, the price or price band within which the allotment is proposed shall be mentioned in the explanatory statement.
However, the BOD is not restricted to decide the price if the price so decided is based on valuation report.
It should be further noted that registered valuer is to be appointed in accordance with the Companies (Registered Valuer) Rules, 2017. It is mandatory to get valuation done in case of preferential issue.
If the net worth of company is negative and registered valuer arrives at Re 1 as value per share but if the face value of shares is Rs.10 then can company issue shares at Re 1/-
Issue of shares at a price lower than its face value will be treated as issue of shares at discount. The Companies Act, 2013 prohibits issuance of shares at discount. Therefore, the Company is under obligation to issue shares at face value.
Sir, can an offer under section 62(1)(c) be pre-closed i.e. before the expiry of one year period even if the entire subscription of shares offered has not been subscribed by the shareholders?
As per Section 62(1)(c) read with rule 13 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 if the allotment of securities is not completed within 12 months from the passing of the special resolution then another special resolution is required to be passed to complete the subscription.
IIs unders Section 42 (6), amendment effective 8, 2018, can One EGM resolution be passed but allotment be done in two tranches.
Like one in Feb and another in April
As per Section 42 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 Allotment of shares must be done within 60 days from the date of passing special resolution (SR). The number of tranches to allot shares is not specified in the Companies Act and hence, as per our opinion you can allot in two tranches but in any case shall complete both the tranches within 60 days from the date of SR.
Section 42(6) states that allotment should be completed within 60 days from date of receiving application money. It does not talk about allotment to be completed within 60 days of special resolution. Kindly clarify.
Sir, your understanding is correct. As per the provisions of Section 42(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, Company is required to allot the securities within 60 days from the date of receipt of application money and in case if Company fails to allot the securities within the said period of 60 days, Company shall be liable to repay the application money within fifteen days from the date of expiry of the sixtieth day.
Hence, special resolution is only required to be passed to approve the offer of shares under the private placement route, it is not linked with the allotment of shares. Shares shall be allotted within 60 days from the date of receipt of application money.
can i make a offer to the existing share holders under rights issue where i am offering equity and ccps to the existing equity shareholders in the same offer in pvt ltd
Yes, there are no provisions contrary to it. It can be done in a single issue.
Under prefefancial share to existing shareholder travelling expenses due to him can be treated as application money. This is a private Ltd
Please reply to this at my email.
As per Rule 14 of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014, it should be noted that the company has to open a separate bank account to keep the share application money.
Travelling expenses mentioned here are undertaken on behalf of the company and has no relation to application money. With that view it can be said that travelling expenses due from company can not be treated as application money.
Is there any time period for conversion of compulsory convertible Debenture into equity?
In accordance to Rule 18 of Share Capital and Debentures Rule 2014, it shall not exceed 10 years from the date of Issue.
However there are exemption for certain Companies.
My query is w.r.t. rule 14(2)(c)..In the given case the has offered 1 equity share of Rs.10 each and 15429 CCCPS of Rs.100 each to a new investor and 3429,6857 and 1714 CCCPS respectively of Rs.100 to existing investors.Is the rule violated since only 1 equity share is offered and allotted…Kindly explain in detail.
As per the details provided by you, the new investor was offered a total investment of Rs. 1,542,910 (CCCPS 1542900+ Equity share 10), which is more than minimum subscription of Rs. 20000 as per Rule 14(2)(c). So, as per our understanding, there was no violation of the said rule.
In case of Section 62(1)(c), we can issue shares to the existing shareholders also for consideration other than cash, and as per rule 13(1) of the Companies (share capital and debentures)Rules 2014, if authorized by special resolution passed in general meeting , shares may be issued by any company in any manner whatsoever including by way of preferential offer, Does it mean we can offer shares by right offer( any other manner) to the existing shareholder for consideration other than cash?
Can we issue shares for consideration other than cash on right basis, if there is an agreement between shareholders (in other capacity) and Company ?
Right Issue has been described under Section 62(1)(a) and Rule 13 is specifically for 62(1)(c) i.e. prefrential allotment. Therefore, right issue cannot be for consideration other than cash.
Sir is GNL-2 required to be filed for issue of shares for consideration other than cash
In accordance to Rule 13 of Companies (Share capital and debentures rule) 2014 In case the allotment has been made to the existing shareholders there is no requirment of filing GNL 2, whereas in case of new allottees GNL 2 is required to be filed.
I want to allot shares on Private placement basis:
1. I want to ask that PAS-4 is to be circulated to each subscriber
2. Is GNL-2 still to be filled with ROC?
3. IS it possible that we can make a combine offer through PAS-4 and make allotment on different dates within the expiry of 60days of receipt of Share application money.
In accordance to Rule 13 of Companies (Share capital and debentures rule) 2014 In case the allotment has been made to the existing shareholders there is no requirment of filing GNL 2 and issuing PAS 3 do not exist.
Yes, making a combine allotment is possible as there is no restriction for the same.
Sir, Our Company had made preferential offer u/s 62 For which offer period of 6 months was prescribed and amount of share application money was to be received in tranches. Now the offer period is expiring on 15th March 2018 and next tranch of money is yet to be received. Management wants to extend the offer period for further 3 months. Can we revise the terms of PAS-4 w.r.t to offer period by passing Special Resolution?
Yes, the terms of offer period can be revised by passing SR.
Can GNL 2 be filed after almost 200 days of offer letter…. Since company inadvertently missed the filing of gnl 2
Yes, GNL-2 can be filed after 200 days with 12 times of as an additional fees.
Is it mandatory to attach valuation report for valuation of consideration in Form PAS-3 in case of prefrential allotment for consideration other than cash?
Yes it is required as per Rule 12(5) of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014. The price of the security has to be justified and the inference is that, it requires a valuation report by a Registered Valuer
Psl guide if compulsory convertible pref shares can be issued through private placement as preferential offer is more lengthy process. Also under preferential offer, the AoA should have authorizing articles, does it mean that a specific article should be there stating preferential offer
Yes, Articles should have the authorization for issue of Compulsory Convertible preference shares.
In case, Company issues equity shares or any convertible securities, the company needs to comply with Sec 62 (1)(c) [relating to further issue of share capital ] and Sec 42 [relating to Private Placement] of the Companies Act 2013, but if a company is issuing non-convertible preference shares or any non-convertible securities it needs to comply with Section 42 only and not Section 62(1)(c).
Sir, As per search, We have few unanswered questions , Please comment on the following:-
1)As per Act, Allotment of shares for Private Placement must be done in 60 days , if not shares must be return 75 days to investors. But experts says that their must be a gap of 60 days between two private placement.
For Above , Nothing like mentioned in the Act , only 60 days for allotment is mentioned . If we allotted the shares day after the offer is closed and money is received , so can we will move further for new private placement offer ?
As per Provisions of Section 42(3) of Companies Act, 2013 the only requirement is that “No fresh offer or invitation under this section shall be made unless the allotments with respect to any offer or invitation made earlier have been completed or that offer or invitation has been withdrawn or abandoned by the company.” From this we can clearly say that there is not bar for maintaining any gap in terms of minimum number of days between two private placements and the only limit is either to complete the offer by allotting shares or cancel the offer by withdrawing the same by Company.
Dear Sir,
If we are carrying out an issuance of Compulsorily convertible debentures, do we still need to provide pre and post issuance shareholding as a disclosure or would that requirement be limited to issuance of shares.
Yes, As per the Rule 13 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2013 and format of PAS-4, the capital structure of the company is to be disclosed in tabular form with the following details:
Pre-issue of Debentures
Post-issue of Debentures
After conversion of Debentures
Dear Sir,
pls guide I have query under section 42, Z Private Limited Company had made offer to subscribe to securities through issue of a private placement and had filed pas-4 with ROC for issue of 3000 shares at face value of Rs.10/-. Now allottee has decided to subscribe 300 at face value of 10/ each.
Now i can allot 300 shares to allottee and do i need to file PAS-4 again with ROC?
Ma’am your query is not very clear
As per rule 14(2) (c) of companies (prospectus and allotment of securities) rules 2014? “the value of such prefrential offer per person shall be with an investment size of min Rs 20000 of face value of the securities”
Does it mean investment size should be 20000 or face value of shares offerd should be 20,000?
I need to issue only 150 Shares FV 10/- for consideration other than cash, then how can i do the same in case of pvt Ltd? I cannot go for Right issue as the shares are to be issued for other than cash.
The value of the Offer per person shall not be less than INR 20,000 of ‘face value’ of securities. In your case, the value of offer is 1500 which is below the minimum requirement. Hence, please increase the value of your consideration (asset) to Rs. 20,000 of face value of the securities.
In PAS 4 we are mentioning the offer period 30 days and circulating the same. Can we close the offer period in 15 days?
No, once the offer period has been communicated to the proposed person then it can’t be reduced or closed prior to that. As per notification issued by MCA dated June 05, 2015, Period of Offer can be reduced before communicating the same to the proposed allottees in case of private companies if 90% of the members have given their consent in writing.
Dear Sir
If a preference shares are issued at par/face value under Preferential Allotment method, is it necessary to obtain Valuation Report?
Yes, it is necessary to obtain the valuation report because as per Rule 13(2)(g) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014, the price of shares to be issued on preferential basis shall be determined on the basis of valuation report. Also, as per Rule 13(3) of the said rules, the price shall not be less than the price determined on the basis of valuation report.
Thank you sir..
As quoted by you, if the price shall not be less than the price determined onthe basis of valuation report. So, can the price be higher than that of the one valued in valuation report. Say for example, if the valuation report arrives Rs.9/- as the Fair market value, can the shares be issued at Rs.10/-?
As per Rule 13(3) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rule, 2014 read with Section 53 of the Companies Act, 2013, price of shares to be issued by private placement (including Preferential Issue) shall not be less than the Face Value and price determined in valuation report by a registered valuer. In your above example, shares can be issued at Rs. 10 provided that the Face Value of share shall not be less than Rs. 10/-. Further, amount higher than the fair market value shall be taxable to Company as per sec. 56(2) (vii b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Good Afternoon Sir,
Sir, As Per 13(3) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rule,2014 price of shares to be issued on Preferential basis shall not be less than the price determined on the basis of valuation report of a Registered valuer.
Please confirm where it is mention by private placement.
Awaiting for response.
As per section 62 of the Companies Act, 2013, if we go for Preferential allotment of shares, the provisions of section 42 is also to be complied with. So, in case of Private Placement all the requirements of preferential issue of shares along with the requirement of valuation is to be complied with.
Further, if we go for Private Placement of securities u/s 42 of the Act other than shares and securities convertible into shares, valuation is not mandatory as then only section 42 is applicable. But even in this case, a justification for the price at which securities are issued has to be given.
Can offer price in the PAS-4 be mentioned in US Dollor instaed INR
In your case, the Indian issuer company may additionally mention offer price in INR in form PAS-4. This will bring clarity to the document.
Rule 13(3) of The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 states that the price of shares to be issued on preferential basis shall not be less than the price determined on the basis of valuation report.
Can you please guide regarding a case where the company has issued shares at a price higher than the price determined on the basis of valuation report??
Yes, as per Rule 13(3) of The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 the company shall not issue share at price less than the price given under valuation report. But it can issue share at a price higher than the amount mention in valuation Report. It depends upon the goodwill, brand image, business prospects, quality of management and many other factors. It primarily depends on the terms agreed between the buyer and seller. Examples would be numerous like in cases of Start-ups, e-commerce, etc.
facts: Private Placement
FV: Rs. 10/-
Premium: Rs. 190/-
Offer letter issued on 18.01.2017 for Rs. 6 lakh
1st payment of Rs. 2 lakh received on 23.01.2017 & 2nd payment of Rs. 2 lakh received on 27.01.2017.
total amount received till date is 4 lakh making face value of Rs. 20,000/- so company allotted shares on 7.01.2017.
Now the investor wants to give further 2 lakhs making face value of equity Rs. 10000/-.
Can company allot shares amounting to Rs. 10000/- under same offer or it is violation of Rule 14 (2) (C) of Companies (prospectus of securities), rules 2014
sorry allotment date is 07.02.2017
Yes, Rule 14(2)(c) would be a challenged here.
1. A Private Company has taken loan from existing shareholder and a relative of that shareholder. Can we convert that loan into shares by alloting shares by preferential allotment basis? As at that time no SR was passed for such conversion. Can we convert that loan into shares.
2. N that Rs.20,000 investment size limit is on per share?
1. It is very clear from Sub Section (3) of section 62 of the Companies Act,2013 that nothing in this section shall apply to the increase of the subscribed capital of a company caused by the exercise of an option as a term attached to the debentures issued or loan raised by the company to convert such debentures or loans into shares in the company: Provided that the terms of issue of such debentures or loan containing such an option have been approved before the issue of such debentures or the raising of loan by a special resolution passed by the company in general meeting. As your company has not passed SR then the company cannot convert its loan into share.
2. Rs. 20,000 face value investment size limit is on per applicant.
Dear Sir,
My query is since rule 14 mentions that the investment size should be not less than 20,000 of the face value of the securities. Does the word securities include only one class of Security or if we issue two class i.e. equity and preference , then does it include the total of both. kindly reply asap.Thanks in advance
The securities includes only one class of securities. And the same includes the total of one class only. Also please note that, you can’t proceed for another issue until you have completed the earlier issue.
Dear Sir,
The company had obtained shareholders approval for certain number of shares for private placement of shares and accordingly circulated PAs-4 to the investors along with share application form and other enclosures.
Now, investors wants to subscribe for lessor number of shares as offered to them and is demanding for re-circulation of PAs-4 which in my opinion is not valid. What is the way out to overcome this situation ?
There is no need to circulate another PAS-4 they can apply as per their wish in application form which is circulated to Investor.
Please see the terms and conditions of the company while issuing PAS-4
In most of the cases, the proposed allotteeshave the option to apply for lesser no. of shares.
Dear Sir,
My query is can an existing loan standing in the books of the Company be converted into Preference Shares, can it be treated as allotment of securities for consideration other than cash under Companies Act, 2013?
Brief Facts;
One of our Public Company and a Private Company which is a Subsidiary of a Public Company is having outstanding Loan standing in the their books since 2012 and the company has paid interest on regular interval on the same. Presently, due to financial crunch, the Company is unable to pay the interest on the outstanding Loan, hence the Company with due consent of the Lender has decided to allot the Preference shares against the outstanding Loan in compliance with the preferential allotment guidelines as prescribed in the Companies Act, 2013 read along with relevant Rules framed thereunder. Can it be treated as allotment of securities for consideration other than cash but the contract containing the terms for conversion of the Loan into security is not executed earlier.
Understanding as per Bare Reading of the Law with the Rule:
As per the bare reading of the Companies Act, 2013 along with the relevant Rules framed thereunder, “securities can be allotted for consideration other than cash, if there shall be attached to the Form PAS-3 a copy of the contract, duly stamped, pursuant to which the securities have been allotted together with any contract of sale if relating to a property or an asset, or a contract for services or other consideration.
However, where a contract referred above is not reduced to writing, the company shall furnish along with the Form PAS-3 complete particulars of the contract stamped with the same stamp duty as would have been payable if the contract had been reduced to writing and those particulars shall be deemed to be an instrument within the meaning of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (2 of 1899).”
My Query:
In light of the above facts & provisions, can we allot the preference shares to the Lenders vide executing an Agreement in current date with the Lender for converting the Loan into Preference Shares on preferential basis?
Can the aforesaid allotment would be in due compliance of the law????
Kindly give your valuable advice/suggestions. Your prompt response in the instant matter is highly solicited.
First of all you have to repay the loan amount through the banking channel, after that you can immediately proceed for issue of preferential shares through the private placement to the same lender. Secondly, your Company can’t convert the loan amount into preference shares because have not complied with section 62(3) at the time of taking loan i.e. shareholders approval was not taken at the time of taking loan.
Sir, can we opt private placement offer for issuing securities to the creditors of the Company??
yes you can
Can issue of share through private placement be the agenda of the AGM?
Reply asap
Thanks in advance
For private placement company shall pass special resolution, so this can be passed at EGM or AGM.
Sir, Please confirm whether the condition of minimum investment size of Rs. 20000 face value per person is also applicable in case of preferential issue under section 62(1) (c).
Yes, co. have to comply section 42.
The Period of holding of shares will be counted from date of application or allotment?
Please reply
The period of holding of shares will be counted from the date of allotment.
sorry its not CH-1 its CG-1
in our case GNL-2 was filled beyond 30 days. offer was on 30/12/2015 while GNL-2 was filed on 06/04/2016. it came for resubmission along with CH-1. now we are supposed to file new GNL-2 along with CG-1, what is the best option to do this now..what reasons we can write for delay.
Company inadvertently missed to file GNL-2 within the time limit. The delay was not intentional. please, allow the filing with the late filing fees.
Whether renouncement of shares can be made to more than one person under right issue of shares ?
As per Sec 62 (1)(a)(ii) of Companies Act, 2013, Unless the Articles otherwise provide, the offer letter is deemed to include a right to renounce. A shareholder may renounce the shares offered to him/her or any of them in favor of any other person. He may either renounce his entire offer or a part of it.
Conclusion: A shareholder may renounce his shares to more than one person only if AOA or Letter of Offer contained any such statement.
Please let me know the procedure of issue of Preference share on preferential basis??
1. Do we can allot share at Rs 135 to investor in newly incorporated Company.
2. Valuation report is mandatory?? Can share be issued above the price determined by valuer?
3. Requirement of Minimum size of investment amount i. e Rs. 20000 face value is also applicable or not?
4. Who can be valuer?? New CA can give certificate or not??
1. Value of shares will depend upon the valuation report.
2. Valuation report is mandatory in preferential issue. yes the shares can be issued at value greater than the value determined by the valuer.
3. The minimum allotment size of Rs. 20,000 is applicable.
4. Valuer can be either of the 2:
a) Merchant banker registered with SEBI
b) CA in practice having minimum experience of 10 years.
Sir I want to know that in case of Preferential issue what documents are required by company from proposed allotee for proposed allotment ?
If allotee is:
Same set of documents shall be required in all the three cases: – signed share application form, their particulars e.g. PAN, address, nationality etc
A Company has taken a loan from existing shareholders of the Company. We want to convert the same in to equity.Can we do Rights issue or we need to do preferential allotment.
Section 62(3) provides that, in order to convert loan into Equity, the terms of such loan containing such an option has to be approved before the issue of such loan by a Special Resolution.
If no SR passed at that time, loan cannot be converted into ESC. However allotment of shares can be made by : –
1. Right Issue (new shares must be offered to all shareholders)
2. Private Placement
Whether non filing/ delay in filing of PAS -4 with in 30 days from the date of offer would attract the penalty under section 42(10)of the companies act 2013,or only additional fees would be payable
Non-filing/ delay in filing of PAS-4 attracts additional fees only. Penalty defined under Section 42(10) of Companies Act 2013 is when companies makes an offer or accepts monies in contravention of Section 42.
For Issue of preference share in private company on preferential basis ie to selected persons other than existing equity shareholder without giving offer letter procedure givan in section 42 ie private placement procedure whether this procedure are required to be follow? beacuse section 62(1)(c) applicable only for equity share holder and in our case we are issuing preference shares and that is to the specified people and not by fiving offer letter…
Section 62(1)(c) states “issue of further shares”.
Nowhere is it mentioned that the issue is to be done for equity shares only. Therefore you can issue preference shares through Preferential issue.
sir,i wanted to know if company issue shares to existing shareholders through preferential issueit is notrequired to file PAS -4 & PAS5 but what about Special resolution whether it is required ornot pl guide me in detail. for issue on pref basis to existing shareholders what procedure is adopted
For Preferential issue to existing shareholders Special Resolution needs to be filed in MGT-14. Filing of PAS-4 and PAS-5 is not mandatory but complete record of private placement is required to be maintained in PAS-5. lastly filing of PAS-3 is mandatory as it is return of allotment. Please refer to the amended note above for more information.
If co intends to issue OCDs under section 42. is approval under 62(1)(c) required to be taken along with valuation report. if yes valuation to for debenture or shares which may be issued on exercising option.
Yes, compliance u/s 62(1)(c) required.
In a private company, its holding company has stake of more than 95% and wants to issue more equity shares to the holding company. Can I follow preferential allotment, which says company select a group person i.e. holding company without offering shares to the company holding 5% shares, thus no calculation of ratio required. Also, preferential allotment made to the exiting shareholder, requirement of PAS 4 & 5 is not mandatory as per the Amendment Act.
Need guidance…
Yes, you may follow the preferential allotment process thus excluding the shareholder holding 5% shares. Further there is no requirement to file Form PAS-4 & PAS-5 for existing shareholders after the amendment dated 19.03.2015 of Companies Share Capital and Debentures Amendment Rules 2015.
Sir After uploading PAS-4 form, may i withdraw allotment money??
No, after filing Form PAS-4, allotment money cannot be withdrawn.
Sir I want to know that a private limited company has application money pending allotment. So before right issue u/s 62 can it use this appliacation money for other purposes.
Even though Section 62 of the Companies Act, 2013 is silent as to the use of share application money pending allotment under a rights issue, the use of the same for any other purposes is prohibited under Rule 2 (1) (c) (vii) of Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014 wherein its use for any other purposes other than allotment shall categorise such money as a deposit.
Can preferential allotment be done by receiving the amount in cash.? As section 62(1)(C) says either for cash or for consideration other than cash.
I wants to know whether the loan taken from the directors can be utalised against the issue of shares made as per section 62 1(a)
If there will be a provision in the terms of loan agreement and also S.R. was passed for the same during that time then only co. can issue shares to that particular director
Dear Sirs,
I’m a shareholder of a family owned private limited company in Mumbai ,wherein last week I’m in receipt of a cheque from the company .When had a verbal discussion with the Company Director,I was informed that this was unpaid capital returned back.
My question here was to know :::
Whether the company could return the same after almost 20 years
I believe this money was paid for a reason was it for the issue of shares ?
If this is the case shouldn’t I be allotted the shares ,Is this a right practise the company is adopting and is this an exercise
to reduce my shareholding
What are the remedies ??
Kindly help
Can allotment in tranches be made through one offer letter. I mean suppose in case of private company we made an offer of 1 cr., received share application for 50 Lakhs, done the allotment of 50 lakhs, now do we need to make another offer letter for remaining 50 lakhs or can we allot through same offer letter if receives the money before the validity period of SR.
Allotment can be made through one offer letter even though money is received in tranches, provided that the initial offer was for the whole amount of Rs. 1 crore.
1) Our company wants to issue CCD to its Holding company. We would receive money in tranches i.e every month. Can we issue a single offer letter to them for the lumpsum and then keep filing PAS-3 every 60 days for allotment of CCD?
2) Valuation of CCD is required at the time of issue of CCD or at the time of conversion for determining the conversion ratio?
A single letter of offer can be issued for receiving money in tranches, provided that you need to specify the validity of offer letter. PAS 3 is to be filed within 30 days of every allotment of CCDs.
As per Rule 13 of Companies (Share capital and debenture)Rules 2014 provides that where convertible securities are offered on a preferential basis with an option to apply for and get equity shares allotted, the price of the resultant shares pursuant to conversion shall be determined-
(i) either upfront at the time when the offer of convertible securities is made, on the basis of valuation report of the registered valuer given at the stage of such offer, or
ii) at the time, which shall not be earlier than thirty days to the date when the holder of convertible security becomes entitled to apply for shares, on the basis of valuation report of the registered valuer given not earlier than sixty days of the date when the holder of convertible security becomes entitled to apply for shares:
Provided that the company shall take a decision on sub-clauses (i) or (ii) at the time of offer of convertible security itself and make such disclosure.
whether Return of allotment is required to be filed in case of amalgamation?
Yes, return of allotment needs to be filed in case of amalgamation.
If a Private Limited Company proposes to issue further shares to persons other than its existing members or partly to existing members or partly to other on preferential basis u/s. 62(1)© of Co. Act, 2013, then should company need to comply the provisions of section 42 read with rule 14 of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities)Rules, 2014 ? Because as per definition of Private Company u/s. 2(68)(3) prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities of the company.
Preferential issue to persons other than existing shareholders will not come under the category of public issue unless you send specific invitations to the public (which is prohibited). And the provisions of Section 62(1)(a) and Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013 will need to be adhered to as your case falls under the category of private placement if issue is made to new shareholders.
Can private Limited and Unlisted Public Company can convert unsecured loan taken from shareholders and person other than shareholders into Equity Shares by issue of further shares under provisions of section 62 (1)(c )of companies ct, 2013 and If yes then company need to comply with the provisions of section 42 of Co. act 2013 for issue of shares to creditors of unsecured loans ?
Unsecured loans can be converted in equity provided that the terms of agreement at the time of taking the loan provided for such conversion and the same was approved by a special resolution. And yes, Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013 will also be applicable as equity will be issued to new shareholders.
A company is issuing Equity Warrants to non promoters (Specific Allotees) u/s 62 of companies act and Chapter VII of ICDR. it has decided to hold EGM in mid March 2015 and notice is out for circulation. should it prepare PAS-4 ? what will be date of Offer letter in PAS-4 ?
A private placement offer letter (PAS-4) shall be accompanied by an application form serially numbered and addressed specifically to the person to whom the offer is made and shall be sent to him, either in writing or in electronic mode, within thirty days of recording the names of such persons.
can unsecured loan from directors converted into equity under companies act, 2013… if possible please tell steps
Yes, unsecured loans from Directors can be converted into equity provided that the terms of issue of the loan contains an option of conversion and the same has been approved by a special resolution in a general meeting. The point to be noted is that such special resolution should have been passed at the initial stage itself.
after taking the approval of shareholders and after giving the offer through pas 4 if any proposed allotee is not interested then what to do
Shares are to be allotted only to those allottees who have conveyed and acted upon their acceptance to the offer.
pas-4 has to be issued within 30 days of recording the names so in this i want to know recording of names means date of board meeting or date of egm
Records of name are to be entered in PAS-5 register on or after the date of EGM. 30 days is counted from the date it is recorded in PAS-5.
can an offer letter for private placement call for investing in two different class of securities, eg – equity and preference shares. or two different offer letter will have to be issued?
As long as you are able to disclose particulars of the both the offer in PAS-4 there is no such prohibition to do so as per our understanding.
if a company wants to issue shares other than to the existing shareholders of the company and the shares will have different premium for different person. is it possible to have that many offer letters issued at a time through private placement??
If there will be different premium for different person than only one Letter of Offer will be required and all the details regarding this is to be given in a tabular form in the same letter of offer.
and FYI, an abstract of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Amendment Rules, 2014:-
“The price of shares or other securities to be issued on preferential basis shall not be less than the price
determined on the basis of valuation report of a registered valuer.”
Sir, how old the valuation certificate may be i.e. if the valuation certificate was obtained in the month of Feb ( on the basis of Financial Figures of December 31, 2016) and EGM resolution was passed in May, does the Valuation obtained in Feb hold good?
It is nowhere prescribed the time limit for how old the valuation certificate should be but it is advised that the valuation certificate should not be older than 6 months from the date of event.
If a company wants to convert its previous Unsecured Loan into Equity as per new Act, What Procedure we should Follow? do the company need to Follow Rule 13(2) of Share Capital & Debentures Rule, 2014?
Rule 13(2) of Share Capital & Debentures Rule, 2014 will have to be followed at the time of entering into such agreement as EGM approval will be required only at the initial stage. Conversion into equity will be dependent on the earlier agreed terms and conditions.
If a company is issuing debentures in series then do it need to file saperate offer letter for each series
If you can accommodate the private placement offer letter to include details of multiple series of debentures, there should be no problem in filing only one offer letter. Further, please note that as per Section 42(3) of Companies Act, 2013 and Explanation ii of Rule 14(2)(b) of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014 no fresh offer can be made unless previous offers are completed. To my understanding the provisions of Companies Act do not prohibit such multiple offers through a single document. But the authorities might raise some queries if they fail to appreciate your compliance.
sir, if it has been more than 60 days that money has been received from outside india but the allotment has not been made, what is the time limit? and what proceedure it should follow to allot securities? and please also specify when the offer letter should be sent i.e. after passing of board resoultion or special resolution? please help sir..
sir, if the money has been received for more than 60 days from outside india but the securities has not been alloted, but the company wants to allot securities, then what it should do? and what is the time limit in this case? and please also sepcify during which period the offer letter must be sent i.e. after passing of board resoultion or special resoultion? please help
Securities have to be allotted within 60 days. Since you have not complied with many of the provisions, you need to take the help of a consultant in order to regularise
do i have to mention brokerage in the offer letter for NCD’s ? i am a NBFC
Please elaborate your query.
in case of Preferential issue Pas-4 & Pas-5 are required to be filed or not
Yes, PAS-4 and PAS-5 are required to be filed in case of preferential issue under Section 42 of Companies Act, 2013.
Sir, Sec 42 does not provide any offer period to be mentioned in offer letter. If company received share application on different date ,can it make an allotment of share on different date referring to the restriction of 60 days from the date of receipt, 12 months from the date of passing special resolution and limit to offered shares?
What is stipulated is that allotment has to be be made within 60 days of receipt of share application amount. 60 days time period starts from the day the application money is received by the company. Therefore, allotment can be made on a different date than the date on which application money is received. provided it is within the 60 day time interval.
Dear Sir
It was mentioned that the special resolution passed at the EGM will be valid for 12 months. I wanted to know that whether the validity of 12 months is only for the resolution of for the offer letter for which the resolution was passed. Looking forward for a early reply.
Validity of 12 months implies that one can send the private placement offer letter within 12 months of passing the Special Resolution in EGM.
Can the necessity of private placement be done away with, in case a separate class of shares is proposed to be allotted on a preferential basis
In case of a company with 2 shareholders, can new class of shares be allotted to a whole new person while avoiding private placement
Private placement process can be ignored only in case of rights issue and ESOP issue. Allotment of separate class of shares has to be done keeping in mind the provisions of S 42 of CA, 2013.
In reply to your 2nd query, allotment of shares to a whole new person comes under the purview of Section 62(1)(c) of CA, 2013. And this section has to be read with section 42.
Therefore, for both the above cases, private placement process has to be followed.
Sir, If company passed Special resolution in AGM for issuing 12,00,000 shares but after 15 days of AGM Company allotted only 4,00,000. Now Company want to allot remaining 8,00,000 share then it is possible.?
Company can allot the remaining shares provided that the allotment is made within 60 days of the receipt of share application money.
Firstly, Form GNL-2 is required to be filed with PAS-4 as an attachment to give effect to the private placement. However, if offer letter is not given then the company shall be liable to a penalty of Rs. 2 crores or the amount involved in the offer, whichever is higher and the application money must be refunded within 30 days of the order imposing penalty.
Please provide me the details whether the private placement of shares be made exclusively to Promoter & Promoter Co’s. Further to what extent the target co. can issue warrant so that the open offer will not attract.
Yes, private placement of shares can be made exclusively to Promoter & Promoter Co’s. To what extent so that open offer is not triggered depends on their existing level of holding. If they hold below 25%, they can issue shares upto 25%. If the Promoters holding is between 25 to 75% bracket, the company may issue them further shares upto 75% subject to a max of 5% per annum.
can a PAS 5 revised or otherwise a company allot shares less than PAS-5 (means record maintain under PAS-5)
Could not understand your query Renu.
If a company has not filed the return of allotment PAS-3 within 30 days of allotment then what can a company can do for filing form. Is it required to form any other form with penalty?
File the form with late fees.
In case of private placement how long should the offer period be kept open as the section does not provide any information regarding the period of offer.
You are right, there is no time period mentioned. You may keep the offer letter open for any period provided it fits into other timelines prescribed in the Act, eg. the Shareholders Resolution is valid for 12 months, etc.
Besides, Companies Acceptance of Deposit Rules also states that if Share Application Money is kept beyond 60 days, it shall be treated as Deposits. And this provision is applicable to all cases and not just Private Placement.
Dear Sanjeev,
You are right, if shares are being issued to existing shareholders in proportion to their existing holding, it shall be a rights issue (62(1)(a) of CA 2013). However, if one / few and not all of the promoters is/are being issued shares, then it shall not be a rights issue unless it is a case of some shareholders renouncing their rights in favour of others. It may be open to scrutiny whether it is a case of bonafide renounciation.
Rule 13(1) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 also states that Preferential issue of shares may be made u/s 62(1)(c) of the Act to any person whether or not such persons include existing shareholders or not and then such Preferential Issue has to comply with Section 42 (60 days, separate Bank Account, etc) of the Act. In Explanation to aforesaid Rule 13(1), Preferential Offer has been defined and it does not includes Rights Issue.
Preferential issue of shares procedure shall be followed when you have a new shareholder introduced. If the Company wants to issue shares to its existing shareholders or shareholder without diluting shares substantially then it is better to go through right issue u/s 62 of the CA, 2013. Sec 62 does not ask to park the money in separate Bank account, time limit of 60 days to allot the shares and valuation from the registered valuer. So, I wish not to follow sec 42 when a Company wants to issue shares to promoters.
If the company has taken unsecured loan before commencement of Companies Act, 2013 and has not passed any special resolution for conversion of loan into equity, and now at present date company wants to convert the loan into equity, what will be the procedure for this?
Please reply.
In order to go for private placement on the current date with respect to conversion of loan, it is necessary that a special resolution should have been passed at the time of giving of loan without which such loan amount cannot be converted into equity. Also the terms and conditions of the loan should specify that such amount was capable of being converted into equity at a later stage.
If, company issue offer letter (PAS-4) of Rs. 20 Cr. AND OFFER OPEN ON 1st March 2017 AND OFFER CLOSED ON 30TH APRIL, 2017
if fund received of Rs. 5 Cr. on 30th march,2017 and Rs. 10 cr. on 10th April, 2017 and reaming 5 cr. on 20 th april, 2017.
is It possible to held BM on 1st april,2017 for allotment of first 5 cr. and utilized the same and 11th april, 2017 for further 10 cr. and 21st april, 2017 for further 5. cr.?
As per Sec.42(6) of CA 2013, Co. shall allot its securities within sixty days from the date of receipt of the application money for such securities. So, If Company wants to utilize money as and when it arrives then it may hold separate Board meetings for allotment of securities within 60 days’ time from receipt of such money and utilize the same.