A special notice under section 115 of the Companies act, 2013 is required to be given by the shareholders in order to remove a director before the expiry of the tenure of his office.
A vacancy caused by such removal may be filled at the same meeting provided special notice of the proposed appointment has also been given. The director so appointed shall hold office till the removed director could have held office had he not been removed. If the vacancy is not filled in, at the meeting, it may be filled in by the Board as casual vacancy. However, the director who has been removed shall not be appointed.
Rights Available To Director Whose Removal Is Proposed
However, the company or any other person aggrieved may apply to the Tribunal not to send the representation and not to read it out in the meeting on the ground that the rights conferred by this section are being wrongly used by the director.
The provisions of Section 173(2) (now Section 102 of Companies Act, 2013) as to the explanatory statement are not applicable in respect of the resolution for the removal, because the company merely acting in pursuance of a special notice received by it to move the resolution, is not a resolution proposed by the company [Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Escorts (1986) 59 Comp Case 548 (SL)].
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